KEAR Lineage - several children in her late 40s/early 50s (General)

by m p griffiths @, Friday, October 15, 2010, 16:14 (5251 days ago) @ pclark

If you google - you will find

'Guiness Book of World Records - the oldest spontaneous pregnancy in modern times occurred in a woman who delivered when she was 57 years & 120 days.

My Great Grandmother (born 1822) was 47+ in 1869 when she gave birth to my Grandmother (well the birth certificate say she was her Mother) - after getting through 3 husbands from 1838 onwards..... approx 30 years of having children. Like many women, my Grandmother born in 1869 - started having children when she was 16 - up to the age of 41 (13 children in total- and my Grandma was only about 4'10" and lived till she was 80. Tough times....

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