John MICHAEL Birth Record c1821 (General)

by Dawn Michael, Saturday, October 30, 2010, 13:10 (5236 days ago)

Hello All
This is my first message to you. I hope I'm in the right place and not wasting your time. I Googled Newchurch and this web site came up, so fingers crossed.

The 1861 Wales Census shows the above John Michael living in Cardiff with his family and his place of birth as Newchurch, Monmouth. His wife Ann's place of birth is listed as Newport so I expect they married in Newport. I am hoping that someone reading this will be able to help me find John's date of birth at least.

John's father's name was also John. I have no confirmed information about him at all. I have found a John Michael in the 1841 Census living in Abergavenny, an Inn Keeper approx date of birth 1791, but I really have no link between the two except the dates match up.

I look foward to hearing from anyone who can help me progress in my search (I only started my tree 2 months ago so am a complete novice, sorry).
Thank you
Dawn Michael

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