50 years on - Severn Bridge Disaster (General)

by unknown, Saturday, October 30, 2010, 15:56 (5236 days ago) @ winky

I lived in Sharpness at this time and was five years old when the bridge blew up. It changed our lives considerably. We used the train to Lydney for all needs(School, shopping, Dentist, etc)My mum used to take us over the bridge to have picnics on the riverbank and we all expected to go to school in Lydney. I used to hide under the seat as we crossed the bridge because I didn`t like to look down on the river! My sister lost her place at Lydney Grammar School that year because of the accident and had to go to Berkeley Secondary instead;a big disappointment for my parents. I was also told that some of the foundation stone used to build the bridge came from my Grandfather`s Quarry. How true that is, I don`t know.

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