William Clarke -- Blakeney/Awre/Lydney (General)

by mrsbruso @, Thursday, November 04, 2010, 02:54 (5231 days ago)

Waiting on a death certificate for William Lewis, and with that mystery possible solved (thank you Slowhands) I am investigating another mystery.

My g.g. grandfather, Richard Clarke (born abt. 1821,aged 20), is living in Blakeney in 1841, according to the census. Sharing houseroom with him is William Clarke, (born abt. 1781, aged 60) and Henry Clarke (born about 1832, aged 8).

This is what I've found so far, but I'm not sure that I'm on the right track . . .

A marriage for a widower, William Clarke, to Elizabeth Griffiths, Newland July 12, 1815, both living in St. Briavels Hundred.

This is followed by the birth of a number of children:
1817: William, baptised Feb 9, William and Elizabeth, Blakeney
1818: Ann, baptised Feb 22, William and Elizabeth, Blakeney
1820: Richard, baptised Nov 7, William and Elizabeth, Blakeney
1827: Eliza, baptised June 24, William and Elizabeth, Blakeney
1831: Henry, baptised April, William and Elizabeth, Blakeney
1835: Charles George Goss, baptised Sept 6, William and Elizabeth

Records can appear in Awre or Lydney . . .

So why are William, Richard and Henry living alone in 1841? Who was William married to previously? Did they have children? Who were William's parents? There are other Clarke's in the area during this period, and I have noticed a habit of them all using the same forenames over and over . . .

Richard leaves a tidy paper trail until his death in 1882 (New Road Blakeney and the Lunatic Asylum at Gloucester -- now that's a bit of family history nobody every mentioned to me before I found his probate record), but William and Henry disappear by the 1851 census. I can't find their deaths or burials noted, at least not in the Forest.

I'm also not sure if this William is related to the one mentioned in other threads.

And since William and Elizabeth's marriage certificate doesn't include all the possible information, I think I am at an stuck, at least for the moment.

That said, I think I've made more progress in the last six weeks than I have in the past two and a half decades. . .

Clarke/Virgo Blakeney

by mrsbruso @, Thursday, November 04, 2010, 03:25 (5231 days ago) @ mrsbruso

Didn't someone researching the Clarke's mention the Virgo family?

I found a marriage between Ann Clarke and Thomas Virgo, in Newland, Aug 13, 1838. She lived in Blakeney, he in Yorkley (sp?)

The following children were baptised in Blakeney, with their address listed as Gibraltar . . .

Eliza, Sept 3, 1848
Anne, Sept 3, 1848
Richard, Sept 3, 1848
William, July 14, 1839
Henry, April 25, 1852 . . .

Ann died February 3, 1895 and is buried at Viney Hill.

Clarke/Williams Awre/ Blakeney

by mrsbruso @, Thursday, November 04, 2010, 04:28 (5231 days ago) @ mrsbruso

Okay, no progress at all with William's other children with Elizabeth, but . . .

possible first marriage:

Lydney: September 21, 1805 William Clarke and Hanna Williams

Children: Thomas Clarke, b. June 19,1806, bap. Blakeney Chapel, Parents Wm & Hanna
Ann Clarke, b. Jan 8, 1809, bap. Blakeney Chapel, parents Wm & Hanna

(note: Thomas' father is listed as Thomas, but his mother is listed
as Hanna formerly Williams, so I think it should have been William.)

Death: Ann Clarke, April 16, 1812 age 3, daughter of William Clarke of Awre
Hanna Clarke, 20 March 1812, wife of William (Forest) Awre

The other less likely possibility was a marriage recorded in Newent between a William Clarke and Mary Tomkins on May 17, 1802. She was buried July 3, 1809, Westbury-on-Severn, also listed as wife of William Clarke.

Richard Stephen CLARKE 1820 -1882 -- Blakeney

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Thursday, November 04, 2010, 06:51 (5231 days ago) @ mrsbruso


Year: 1882
Month: Jun
Day: 10
Surname: CLARK
Forenames: Richard
Residence: Gloucester
Age_at_death: 60 years
Officiating_Minister: E. S. Smith
Event: Burial
Memoranda: 21
Register_Reference: P348 IN 1/5
Page_No: 59
Parish_Chapel: Viney Hill

Name: Richard Clark
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1822
Date of Registration: Apr-May-Jun 1882
Age at Death: 60
Registration district: Gloucester
Inferred County: Gloucestershire
Volume: 6a
Page: 167

1881 Gloucestershire Lunatic Asylum
R.C. 59 yr Collier

1871 nr Blakeney Hill
Richard Clark 49 Head East Dean Coal Miner
Sarah Ann Clark 40 Wife Shepton Mallett Somerset
Hannah Maria Clark 10 Daughter Pontypool
Frederick Clark 11 Boarder West Dean

Name: Hannah Maria Clark
Year of Registration: 1861
Quarter of Registration: Jul-Aug-Sep
District: Pontypool
County: Gwent, Monmouthshire
Volume: 11a
Page: 125

1861 ?

1851 Garndiffaith Monmouthshire
Samuel Vining 57
Elizabeth Vining 47
Sarah Ann Clark 19
Richard Clark 28

1841 Blakeney Hill
William Clarke abt 1781 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest, Gloucestershire
Richard Clarke abt 1821 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest, Gloucestershire
Henry Clarke abt 1833 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest, Gloucestershire

Year: 1820
Month: Nov
Day: 7
Parents_Surname: CLARKE
Child_Forenames: Richard Steven
Fathers_Forenames: William
Mothers_Forenames: Elizabeth
Residence: Forest of Dean
Occupation: Labourer
Officiating_Minister: W H White Sub Curate
Event: Baptism
Register_Reference: P50 IN1/1
Page_Number: 48
Parish_Chapel: Blakeney

Year: 1815
Month: Jul
Day: 12
Grooms_Surname: CLARKE
Grooms_Forenames: William
Groom_Condition: Widower
Grooms_Residence: Hundred of St Briavels
Brides_Surname: GRIFFITHS
Brides_Forenames: Elizabeth
Brides_Condition: Spinster
Brides_Residence: Hundred of St Briavels
Licence_or_Banns: Banns
Signature_or_Mark: Both Mark
Witness_1: Mark of George Kear
Witness_2: Tho[mas] Bond
Officiating_Minister: Pay[le]r Matt[he]w Procter Vicar
Event: Marriage
Register_Reference: P227 IN 1/11
Page_Number: 35
Parish_Chapel: Newland

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

William CLARK 1775 ish - 1845 -- Blakeney/Awre

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Thursday, November 04, 2010, 06:58 (5231 days ago) @ mrsbruso

This is a possible ( remember 1841 ages can be rounded rather than close/accurate ):-

Year: 1845
Month: Jan
Day: 3
Surname: CLARK
Forenames: William
Residence: Forest of Dean
Age_at_death: 70
Officiating_Minister: J H Malpes Vicar
Event: Burial
Register_Reference: P30 IN 1/10
Page_No: 119
Parish_Chapel: Awre

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

William CLARK 1772 -- Blakeney/Awre

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Thursday, November 04, 2010, 06:59 (5231 days ago) @ slowhands

Year: 1772
Month: Aug
Day: 13
Parents_Surname: CLARKE
Child_Forenames: William
Fathers_Forenames: William
Mothers_Forenames: Mary
Event: Baptism
Memoranda: Son of
Notes: Blakeney Chapel. In this record the child's and father's forenames were not clear so the best guess was given.
Register_Reference: P30 1 IN 1 Part 2
Page_Number: 442
Parish_Chapel: Awre

leading to possible parents:-

Year: 1770
Month: Apr
Day: 26
Grooms_Surname: CLARK
Grooms_Forenames: William
Groom_Condition: [not stated]
Brides_Surname: HOPKINS
Brides_Forenames: Mary
Brides_Condition: [not stated]
Licence_or_Banns: Banns
Event: Marriage
Notes: Any abbreviated forenames have been expanded to the full name BTs Brides surname shown as Stephens
Register_Reference: P30 1 IN 1 Part 2
Page_Number: 336
Parish_Chapel: Awre

Year: 1770
Month: Apr
Day: 28
Grooms_Surname: CLARK
Grooms_Forenames: William
Groom_Condition: [not stated]
Grooms_Residence: of this Parish
Brides_Surname: STEPHENS
Brides_Forenames: Mary
Brides_Condition: [not stated]
Brides_Residence: of this Parish
Licence_or_Banns: Banns
Date_of_Banns: 1770 Apr 1 8 & 15
Signature_or_Mark: Both mark
Witness_1: Betty Awre
Witness_2: Michael Webb [Parish Clerk]
Officiating_Minister: Jno. Sargeaunt Vicar
Event: Marriage
Notes: BTs show date as April 26
Register_Reference: P30 IN 1/3
Page_Number: 30
Parish_Chapel: Awre

( Given Richard Stephen CLARKE in later years I wonder if the Stephens is a coincidence or important)

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

Mary CLARKE nee STEPHENS 1746-1809 ? -- Blakeney/Awre

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Thursday, November 04, 2010, 08:22 (5231 days ago) @ slowhands

Year: 1809
Month: Jul
Day: 3
Surname: CLARK
Forenames: Mary
Officiating_Minister: Charles Sandiford Vicar
Event: Burial
Memoranda: Wife of William d[ie]d June 30
Register_Reference: P30 1 IN 1 Part 2
Page_No: 560
Parish_Chapel: Awre

Year: 1746
Month: Jul
Day: 13
Parents_Surname: STEPHENS
Child_Forenames: Mary
Fathers_Forenames: Richard
Mothers_Forenames: Sarah
Officiating_Minister: Roy[non] Jones Assist[an]t
Event: Baptism
Memoranda: Daugh[te]r of
Notes: Blakeney Chapel
Register_Reference: P30 IN 1/1 Part 2
Page_Number: 420
Parish_Chapel: Awre

father's re marriage :-

Year: 1756
Month: Feb
Day: 27
Grooms_Surname: STEPHENS
Grooms_Forenames: Richard
Groom_Condition: Widower
Grooms_Residence: of this Parish
Brides_Surname: LOVELL
Brides_Forenames: Mary
Brides_Condition: Spinst[e]r
Brides_Residence: of this Parish
Licence_or_Banns: Banns
Date_of_Banns: Banns (thrice published in this Church)
Signature_or_Mark: Both sign
Witness_1: John Sadler
Witness_2: William Marshall
Officiating_Minister: Jack[ma]n Morse Vic[a]r
Event: Marriage
Register_Reference: P30 IN 1/3
Page_Number: 5
Parish_Chapel: Awre

Mother's death

Year: 1754
Month: Oct
Day: 21
Forenames: Sarah
Age_at_death: [not stated]
Officiating_Minister: Jack[man] Morse Vic[a]r
Event: Burial
Memoranda: [1]wife of Richard [2][Symbol for]Monday
Register_Reference: P30 1 IN 1 Part 2
Page_No: 515
Parish_Chapel: Awre

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

William CLARK 1772 -- Blakeney/Awre

by mrsbruso @, Thursday, November 04, 2010, 11:44 (5231 days ago) @ slowhands

I wonder which dates/ages are the red herrings . . .

If William were sixty in 1841, give or take, he should have been born around 1781. . . If it were he who died in 1845 at age 70, it would place his birth around 1775 . . . and the baptismal record which looks promising puts his birth almost ten years earlier than my original estimate . . .

The Stephen part is intriguing, though.

These are wonderful clues, but I don't know how to confirm which ones are correct.

On ancestry.com, someone has managed to move one of my Lewis ancestors, who never left the Aberdare area, in New Jersey when he was somewhat over one hundred years old, and then married him off to someone else . . . and I want to avoid doing something like that.

William CLARK 1772 -- Blakeney/Awre

by mrsbruso @, Friday, November 05, 2010, 01:05 (5231 days ago) @ mrsbruso

Slowhands, I think you are probably correct in tracing William. I didn't know how to confirm it, so I looked at any William Clarkes born in Gloucestershire within a five year window of 1780 . . . and there were three.

In 1841 one, born in 1783 was living in Longborough. A second, born in 1776 was living in Stonehouse. And the third, listed as born in 1781 was living in the Forest of Dean . . . and that is the William who's lineage we have been looking at.

For a child born in Blakeney, it makes a certain amount of sense that the one living in Blakeney is the most likely choice.

And I suspect the choice of RICHARD STEVEN makes a certain amount of sense if you have a recent ancestor whose name happens to be RICHARD STEPHENS. . .

William Clarke/Elizabeth Griffiths

by mrsbruso @, Friday, November 05, 2010, 02:11 (5231 days ago) @ mrsbruso

Okay. Having concluded that Richard's parents were William Clarke and Elizabeth Griffiths, I've hit a bump. William and Elizabeth were married in 1815 at Newland. William was widowed, but Elizabeth was not. I thought the best plan would be to estimate her year of birth at 1795 (making her 20 at her marriage) and adjust up or down by ten years. And that's where I hit the speed bump. There are FOUR solid possibilities.

The first Elizabeth Griffiths was baptised in 1795. Her parents were William Griffiths and Sarah Walker. Listed as Awre, Blakeney Chapel. Promising, given that it's Blakeney.

The second Elizabeth Griffiths was baptised in 1792. Her parents are listed as [James] John and [Mary] Hannah Cole. Complication: Also Awre, Blakeney Chapel.

The third Elizabeth Griffiths was baptised in 1788. Her parents are James and Margaret. She was baptised at Lydney, not a great distance away.

The fourth is probably the least likely, Elizabeth Griffiths, daughter of Thomas and Mary, at Ruardean.

I wish the marriage record had listed the parents names or the year of the bride and groom's births . . . that would narrow this down. I guess my next step would be to see if I can find death records or marriage records for any of these Elizabeth's linking them to someone else.

Since "our" Elizabeth was gone in 1841, before registration was common and well before the reviewable census records I may be stuck unless someone can claim some of these Elizabeths as their own . . .

And I thought tracing generations of William Lewis' through Breconshire was going to be the most confusing part of this journey . . .

Sarah Ann CLARKE nee VINING Chewton Mendip SOM

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Monday, November 29, 2010, 09:31 (5206 days ago) @ slowhands

Sarah Ann Clarke abt 1833 Somerset, England Head Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire
Mary A. Lewis abt 1852 Abertillery, Monmouth, Wales Daughter Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire
William R. Lewis abt 1874 Garndiffilch, Monmouth, Wales Grandson Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire
Thomas J. Lewis abt 1876 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Grandson Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire
Elizabeth A. Lewis abt 1879 Atherton, Lancashire, England Granddaughter Westbury On Severn - East Dean,

Surname First name(s) District Vol Page
Marriages Dec 1872 (>99%)
Clarke Mary Ann Westbury, S. 6a 479
LEWIS William Westbury S. 6a 479

Year: 1872
Month: Dec
Day: 25
Grooms_Surname: LEWIS
Grooms_Forenames: William
Grooms_Age: 22
Groom_Condition: Bachelor
Grooms_Occupation: Collier
Grooms_Residence: Aberdare Glamorganshire
Grooms_Fathers_Surname: LEWIS
Grooms_Fathers_Forenames: William
Grooms_Fathers_Occupation: Collier
Brides_Surname: CLARKE
Brides_Forenames: Mary Ann
Brides_Age: 20
Brides_Condition: Spinster
Brides_Occupation: [not stated]
Brides_Residence: Furnace Bottom
Brides_Fathers_Surname: CLARKE
Brides_Fathers_Forenames: Rich[ard]
Brides_Fathers_Occupation: Collier
Licence_or_Banns: Banns
Date_of_Banns: [not stated]
Signature_or_Mark: Both sign
Witness_1: The mark of John Davis
Witness_2: Catherine Elizabeth [illegible] James
Officiating_Minister: Sam Edwards
Event: Marriage
Register_Reference: P348 IN 1/3
Page_Number: 23
Parish_Chapel: Viney Hill

Surname First name(s) District Vol Page
Marriages Dec 1849 (>99%)
Clark Richard Pontypool 26 203
Vining Sarah Pontypool 26 203

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

William Clarke/Elizabeth Griffiths

by mrsbruso @, Monday, November 29, 2010, 17:30 (5206 days ago) @ mrsbruso

Just discovered through thr 1911 census that Richard Stephen Clarke and Sarah Ann Vining had seven children. I only knew about the three surviving daughters. I suspect at least some of them were born in the Pontypool area rather than the Forest because the first census after Richard returns to Blakeney Annie Maria is ten . .. so I guess its back to theBMD index for me.

Richard & Sarah CLARKE

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Monday, November 29, 2010, 17:38 (5206 days ago) @ mrsbruso

Tracking Richard and Sarah in 1861 Wales ( 90% confident they should be there) has proved "hard" !! Aberystruth / Trevethin area perhaps

and their daughter Mary Ann born 1852 ish Abertillery is AWOL !!!

Name: Mary Ann Clarke
Year of Registration: 1852
Quarter of Registration: Jul-Aug-Sep
District: Abergavenny
County: Herefordshire, Monmouthshire
Volume: 11a
Page: 57

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

Richard & Sarah CLARKE

by mrsbruso @, Monday, November 29, 2010, 18:55 (5206 days ago) @ slowhands

She's there somewhere or I wouldn't be here! I have sent for the certificate (coming on a slow boat by way of China) but I think she was registered at Abergavenney. (1852, Q3, 11a~57). Since Hirwaun is sometimes Hirwaun, sometimes Aberdare and sometimes Merthyr Tydfil . . . And Blakeney can be Old Furnace, Awre, Westbury on Severn, Blakeney Hill or in one case Blakeney Woods . . . I'm thinking Garndiffaith/Abertillery may just be Abergavenney.

And I'm grateful to be doing this on the internet rather than my circa 1983 method, which was bicycle and bus pass. I wanted to cry the day I cycled all the was tp Westbury on Severn to be told that I had to go to Newent for one certificate . . .

William Clarke/Elizabeth Griffiths

by mrsbruso @, Tuesday, November 30, 2010, 12:38 (5205 days ago) @ mrsbruso

Correction: Elizabeth isn't gone in 1812. That is William's first wife, Hanna(h) Williams. Elizabeth disappears sometimes after Charles George Goss Clarke's birth in the mid 1830's, along with several of the younger children. Only William (aged 60), Richard (20) and Henry (8) are showing on the 1841 census.

William CLARK 1775 ish & Hannah WILLIAMS 1778 Blakeney/Awre

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Tuesday, November 30, 2010, 13:47 (5205 days ago) @ slowhands

Year: 1778
Month: Jul
Day: 19
Parents_Surname: WILLIAMS
Child_Forenames: Hannah
Fathers_Forenames: James
Mothers_Forenames: Ann
Officiating_Minister: Morgan Evans Curate
Event: Baptism
Memoranda: D[aughte]r of
Notes: Abbreviated surname has been expanded to the full name
Register_Reference: P209 IN 1/2
Page_Number: 48
Parish_Chapel: Lydney

Year: 1805
Month: Sep
Day: 21
Grooms_Surname: CLARKE
Grooms_Forenames: William
Groom_Condition: Batchelor
Grooms_Residence: Awre
Brides_Surname: WILLIAMS
Brides_Forenames: Hanna
Brides_Condition: Spinster
Brides_Residence: of this Parish
Licence_or_Banns: Banns
Signature_or_Mark: He signs she marks
Witness_1: Eliz[abe]th Cadogan
Witness_2: John Thomas
Officiating_Minister: W[illia]m Jones curate
Event: Marriage
Memoranda: Saturday
Register_Reference: P209 IN 1/8
Page_Number: 111
Parish_Chapel: Lydney

Year: 1806
Month: Jun
Day: 26
Parents_Surname: CLARK
Child_Forenames: Thomas
Fathers_Forenames: Thomas { transcription / record error ?}
Mothers_Forenames: Hannah
Mothers_Surname: [nee](Williams Sp[inste]r)
Residence: Forest of Dean extraparochial
Officiating_Minister: Charles Sandiford Vicar
Event: Baptism
Memoranda: [1]S[on] [2]b[or]n June 19 1806 priv[atel]y b[aptise]d rec[eive]d into Chapel Feb[ruar]y 22
Notes: Blakeney Chapel
Register_Reference: P30 1 IN 1 Part 2
Page_Number: 567
Parish_Chapel: Awre

Year 1809
Month Feb
Day 5
Parents Surname CLARK
Child Forenames Ann
Fathers Forenames William
Mothers Forenames Hannah
Mothers Surname [nee](Williams Sp[inste]r)
Residence Forest extraparochial
Officiating Minister Charles Sandiford Vicar
Event Baptism
Memoranda [1]D[aughter] [2]b[or]n Jan[uar]y 8 priv[atel]y b[aptise]d Feb[ruar]y 5 rev[eive]d into Chapel July 2
Notes Blakeney Chapel
Register Reference P30 1 IN 1 Part 2
Page Number 572
Parish Chapel Awre

Year: 1812
Month: Mar
Day: 20
Surname: CLARK
Forenames: Hannah
Residence: Forest
Age_at_death: 34 [years]
Officiating_Minister: Charles Sandiford Vicar
Event: Burial
Memoranda: Wife of William d[ie]d March 17
Register_Reference: P30 1 IN 1 Part 2
Page_No: 582
Parish_Chapel: Awre

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

William CLARKE /Elizabeth GRIFFITHS - Goss CLARK

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Tuesday, November 30, 2010, 14:16 (5205 days ago) @ mrsbruso

Other questions to pose -

Where does the GOSS come from ? GOSS is typically a surname found on the east side of the River Severn rather than in the Forest.

Did the family "dabble" with Baptist non-conformity ? perhaps this is why some records are apparently missing.

Who is the "not named" child buried in 1837 ? one of the "missing" children from 1841 ?

Is it GOSS anyway ? Is it a transcription of COSS, COFF, CORS, COFS, CROSS etc ?


Year Parents Surname Child Forenames Fathers Forenames Mothers Forenames Mothers Surname Residence Occupation Parish Chapel

1817 CLARKE William William Elizabeth Forest of Dean Labourer Blakeney
1818 CLARKE Anne William Elizabeth Forest of Dean Labourer Blakeney
1820 CLARKE Richard Steven William Elizabeth Forest of Dean Labourer Blakeney
1827 CLARKE Eliza William Elizabeth Forest of Dean Labourer Blakeney
1831 CLARK Henry William Elizabeth Forest of Dean Labourer Blakeney
1835 CLARKE Charles George Goss William Elizabeth Blakeney Hill Labourer Blakeney

Year: 1835
Month: Sep
Day: 6
Parents_Surname: CLARKE
Child_Forenames: Charles George Goss
Fathers_Forenames: William
Mothers_Forenames: Elizabeth
Residence: Blakeney Hill
Occupation: Labourer
Officiating_Minister: G Colebrook Jordan
Event: Baptism
Register_Reference: P50 IN1/1
Page_Number: 146
Parish_Chapel: Blakeney

Year 1837
Month May
Day 17
Surname CLARKE
Forenames not stated
Residence [not stated]
Age at death [not stated]
Officiating Minister John Jones Minister
Event Burial
Cause of death
Memoranda The child of Wm Clarke
Register Reference MF1267
Page No 7
Parish Chapel Blakeney Baptist

1841 Blakeney Hill
William Clarke abt 1781 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest, Gloucestershire
Richard Clarke abt 1821 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest, Gloucestershire
Henry Clarke abt 1833 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest, Gloucestershire

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

William CLARK 1775 ish & Hannah WILLIAMS 1778 Blakeney/Awre

by mrsbruso @, Wednesday, December 01, 2010, 00:37 (5205 days ago) @ slowhands

I had assumed Thomas Clarke, whose mother is listed as Hannah Williams was William's child, and there had been a transcription error. I submitted it for correction, on the theory it would just be too much of a coincidence that two Clarkes (Thomas and William) would both be married to Hannah Williams in Blakeny. Mr. Davison was kind enough to send me an image of the original documents . . .And the original clearly states "Thomas" as the father.

The odds would have to be astronomical. Besides which Thomas is William's younger brother. So it's not a transcription error, but I think it may be a matter of the minister simply writing "Thomas" twice.

I wondered about the "Goss" as well. There was a Charles George Goss listed in the parish records, however he is a good 50 years or so younger than our Charles. I'm guessing there's something important about the name as well, as my Grandfather, born in 1881, is also called Charles George.

The only particularly local link I can make to Goss is the death, in 1955, of an infant, Lucien Goss, at Lower Viney Farm, Blakeney. Ancestry lists more entries for Charles George Goss than I would have expected, but nothing seems local to the Forest.

I saw the unnamed Clarke child buried at Blakeney Baptist but wasn't sure what to make of it. I assumed it was an infant rather than one of the other children. But having baptised the others at Blakeney Chapel, why would this one be buried at Blakeney Baptist? When I first saw it I wondered if Elizabeth had died then as well, as it would account for her absence in 1841 . . .

Mary Ann Clarke did sometimes attend Baptist services, but my understanding was that it was because she was the organist for the church, and my grandfather was in the choir, but I think that was when they were in Cardiff.

Charles George Goss Clarke

by mrsbruso @, Monday, February 07, 2011, 22:01 (5136 days ago) @ slowhands

I've had no success in tracing either CGG Clarke, or finding a tie between any family members and anyone named Goss. As pointed out, Goss is not a Forest name. Gaugh, however, is a Forest name and the soundex on Ancestry made the link between the two names. Is it likely that the minister might have misheard. "Gaugh" as "Goss"?

Thomas CLARKE b.1806

by mrsbruso @, Saturday, April 16, 2011, 21:22 (5068 days ago) @ slowhands

Several of us suspected a recording or transcription error, as Thomas should have been the son of William CLARKE and Hanna WILLIAMS, but his father was recorded as Thomas. William's 1845 will confirms that Thomas is indeed his son.

UK Land Tax Redemption 1798

by m p griffiths @, Thursday, December 20, 2012, 19:46 (4454 days ago) @ mrsbruso

UK Land Tax Redemption 1798 (on Ancestry) - may be a useful 'tool'

These records list names of both owners and occupants of property in England and Wales that was subject to the national land tax. Because this was a national tax, these records provide almost a mini census.

Can see listed - various CADOGAN(M) listed in Awre inc. Chas, Wm. Jn -

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