Great Western Iron Co. Ltd c1879 (General)

by Catherine Russell, Tuesday, November 09, 2010, 20:21 (5226 days ago)

Can anyone supply information about this firm?

I am particularly interested in its Managing Director,Arthur Duff Morison (born in Scotland c 1840) who was living at Bradley House,Sowdely,in 1879 with his mother (née Katherine MacPherson)

He may have moved away from the area shortly afterwards,possibly working abroad (Australia??);

By 1881,his mother was living in Fulham with 2 servants.When she died in 1887,her death certificate was signed by her son.

Her remains were subsequently taken to Scotland for burial in the family tomb.

As yet, I have been unable to trace the whereabouts of A Duff Morison after that date or find a death certificate.

I am a descendant of the MacPherson family and would be grateful for any information about this family, the Iron Co., local background etc.

Catherine Russell

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