Amy Bailey/Brown/Powell born 1787 (General)

by eromehopkins, Thursday, November 11, 2010, 23:17 (5223 days ago)

I am trying to find the maiden name of Amy ?. She was married, as the widow Powell, to Thomas Brown on 28th March 1815 in Newland and then to Thomas Bailey on 23 July 1825 in Newland. I suspect that her maiden name was Morse. At both her marriages a Morse was a witness. Thomas Morse witnessed the marriage to Thomas Brown and Samuel Morse the marriage to Thomas Bailey. Amey Morse baptised on March 25, 1787, the daughter of Thomas and Mary has brothers Thomas and Samuel.

The batismal record of James Powell, 21 April 1811, Newland, gives his parents at William Powell and Amy. A William Powell married Anne Morse on 23 September 1810, Newland. Could Anne Morse be the Amy I'm looking for?

I'd be very grateful if someone could help with this.

Elizabeth Hopkins

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