Lydbrook Burial Records around 1944-1952 (General)
Can you tell me where you get your records from? Does someone go to each parish and look at their records or do you get them from Gloucester Record Office.
Reason I am asking is that I cannot find burial records of Lydbrook around 1944/1952. My great uncles were buried there, one has a headstone and the other does not.
When asking at the church about these records in 2008 I was told they were in the roof of the church so maybe that is why.
Thanks for your time.
Lydbrook Burial Records around 1944-1952
We have Lydbrook Burial transcribed records in our database up to 1941 -> List of transcribed parish records
To get deatils of the burial/death of your uncles after 1941 you will need to obtain a copy of the Death Certificate or climb into the roof of the church where the parish records are kept.
Except for a few exceptions the majority of the Parish Records on our Web site have been transcribed from the Parish Registers that are held by Gloucestershire and Herefordshire Archives.
Lydbrook Burial Records around 1944-1952
Thank you and what a wonderful job you guys do.
The person I am looking for buried in 1952 is not even on the Free BMD site.
Thanks again
Hope you have a lovely xmas
Lydbrook Burial Records around 1944-1952
What name are you looking for? Could be on Ancestry
Lydbrook Burial Records around 1944-1952
Yes it is on Ancestry but it is not the same as Forest of Dean site. I like to find things on there.
By the way are you related to Caroline Griffiths from Blakeney b1829?
thanks for your help anyway
Lydbrook Burial Records around 1944-1952
The latest burial record deposited at Gloucester Archives are 1941, the later register will still be held in the Church.
Lydbrook Burial Records around 1944-1952
Thank you Graham. Seems a long time, must be because I am almost that old.