All Saints Church, Viney Hill - (General)

by mrsbruso @, Wednesday, December 08, 2010, 03:24 (5197 days ago) @ mrsbruso

Okay. So some small part of my childhood memory was accurate. I just stumbled across this . . . from Arthur O. Cook's "The Forest of Dean", Dutton & CO, NY 1913: "The Church is a modern building; for Blakeney though now far larger than its Severn-side neighbour Awre is a mere offshoot from the older parish, two miles or more away. But Blakeney Church, modern and comparitively unlovely as it is . . . The visitor may not perhaps go farther than the door, besides which stands the quaint thireenth century font. It's shape, square and two sided as regards one half, a semi circle on the other -- at once betrays its origin; it was in fact a holy water stroup and evidentily occupied the corner of a porch . . . the present vicar looks upon this relic with affection and some pride, having rescued it from a local garden where it had long been serving as a flower pot".

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