More on BROWN/PHIPPS (General)

by mrsbruso @, Tuesday, December 14, 2010, 13:00 (5191 days ago) @ AnneRafferty

Hi, Anne.

I have Anne Kear (as Julia Martha Johnson's mother), with parents Benjamin KEAR and CHARLOTTE ROBINS, with Anne bap Feb 26, 1826, and her parents married at Newland May 11, 1816 . . .

Okay. I think I know where I went wrong. I had Frances Elizabeth PHIPPS, James BROWN's wife as the child of George PHIPPS and Mary ADAMS . . . I missed the second George Phipps with a daughter named Frances . . .if I had been using the regular search feature instead of the advanced I would have realised that Frances died as an infant. Oops.

I've been trying to make the STEPHENS/GRIFFITHS connection, and the KEAR family appear as witnesses at famiy weddings, plus the connection to James Riley BROWN, but despite making three charts (Brown/Johnson became too unweildy very quickly) so I started new ones just for the Browns and then the Johnson's. . .

I am having trouble making the Stephen's link, as Richard STEPHENS has only two daughters of whom I am aware, and I haven't been able to follow his line backward; and with GRIFFITHS at the moment there's an embarrassment of riches and I need to narrow the field a bit, which is a bit tedious.

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