Vicar of St Pauls Parkend (General)
Thanks to all who answered my last question, however I have another
Does anyone know who was vicar at Parkend from June 1970.
The signature could be either Kent or West.
Many Thanks
Indecipherable Vicars Signatures
If you would like to send me the image of the parish record I will extract the the portion that contains the signature and upload to the website so others can view it and possibly help you.
You can the e-mail address to send me the image which you will find in the Photo Gallery section of the website.
Indecipherable Vicars Signatures
My Great Uncle was buried in Parkend in 1972. The record on here states N W Kent Vicar.
Indecipherable Vicars Signatures
Hi Pete
Thanks for your reply, I have now updated my spreadsheet.
It's great to know there are people out there that can help.
Kind regards