KEY family of Glos/Tewks (General)

by rookancestrybest @, United Kingdom, Friday, April 08, 2011, 21:42 (5076 days ago) @ admin

Thank you for this, I have revisited this now that a new posting has come onto the site. I have looked again at the names of people at The Boar's Head now that I have more family history under my belt and there is a very, very, slight possibility that the servant: Sarah McCarthy may have been related to someone who married into another branch of the family i.e. Morgan Pritchard branch but there is no link made as yet. Thank you also to the person who put the recent posting on this site for showing his level of appreciation.

The person who wrote the letter about where the relative was staying was a Catholic Priest who was based at the RC Church at Monmouth (Fr. Abbot) and it is likely that she stayed near to the church probably to be able to see people she knew easily. The Boar's Head is likely to have been a very respectable place to stay as she was an upstanding member of her community with lots of contact with nuns and priests in the USA in her town and housekeeper for a doctor. She had also come to England to pick up an inheritance when her brother died and it was a substantial sum for the time. It certainly enabled her, a widow and her child to make a return journey to England from Poughkeepsie in New York, no mean feat in those days!

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