MILSON WYATT-Grandfather: Milson HARRIS (General)

by m p griffiths @, Monday, May 30, 2011, 08:33 (5022 days ago) @ pris of pa

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FOD records - Marriage at Newland - 14 May 1870

Charles WYATT, age 19 - Bachelor, Tradesman - residence, Coleford
father: Thomas WYATT, Shopkeeper


Alice HARRIS, age 18, Spinster, - residence: Coleford
father: Millson HARRIS, butcher
by licence

witnesses: William HARRIS and Susanna WYATT


1861 Census, Coleford
Bounce Hill, Bu Bush Road ?

Milson HARRIS - age 58, late Butcher and Innkeeper, born Coleford
Elizth Ellen Howard HARRIS - retired age 48, born Portwood Hall, Cheshire *****
William HARRIS - apprentice to Tailor, age 16 - ALL born Coleford
Maria HARRIS - Age 14
Alice HARRIS - age 9 -
G F H BALLER - Stepson - age 9 - George Francis Hutton BALLER - christened 21 April 1853 - Coleford

other childrens' baptisms and burials on FOD records - of Elizabeth & Robert James BALLER


1871 Census, Cirencester

George F H BALLER - age 20 - born Coleford - and a student at the R.A. College, Cirencester

Freebdm- Marriage O/N/D qtr 1873 - Honiton (Devon)

George Francis H BALLER and Florence COMYNS


FreeBDM: Marriage A/M/J Qtr 1857

Milson HARRIS/Elizabeth Ellen Howard BALLER


1851 Census, Coleford
Market Street

Milson HARRIS - Innkeeper & Butcher - age 48 - all born Coleford
Elizabeth - 41
George - 21 - Butcher
Annie - 18
Mary E - 13
MILSON - (transcribed as NEILSON) - 9
Elizabeth SEMEL (could be SMITH - 18 - Servant
William HINCH - 20 -Servant

1841 Census, Coleford

Milton (Milson) HARRIS - 38 c1803) - Butcher - all born in County
Elizabeth - 30
George - 11
Ann - 8
Mary - 6
Harriet - 4
Emily - 1

FOD records

Marriage at Newland - 27 August 1828

Milson HARRIS, Bachelor - residence : Newland


Elizabeth NASH, Spinster - residence: Newland

by Licence

Witnesses: George NASH and Ann HARRIS

(with consent of parents)

? FOD records, baptism at Coleford Baptist
6 October 1802

Milson HARRIS - parents William & Jane

Memoranda: The Minister (Baptists Protestant dissenting) signs after a sentence in which he declares he was present at the birth on the date given. This is a record of Birth not Baptism

siblings - birth at Coleford Baptist

William - 28 May 1797
Mary - 6 April 1799
George - 11 November 1800
John - 11 October 1802
Elizabeth - 21 April 1804

Marriage FOD records at Newland 7 June 1796

William HARRIS - residence, Newland.


Jane WHITE - residence, Newland

witnesses: George HARRIS and Thos. BOND, other witnesses: Alice WHITE

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