Janetta Hopkins - Location Tankerhoops? (General)

by jhopkins @, Friday, June 24, 2011, 02:56 (4998 days ago) @ ritpetite

Lovely thought, but at our age we need to watch our savings. The airfares aren't too bad on their own, but when you bring our banana republic money to Britain it suddenly melts away! The exchange rates are the killer of course.

To make it worth your while to go to Britain from the uttermost ends of the earth, it needs to be for at least a month (our first was for a month, then the next one two years later was for 6 weeks), and the living expenses, transport etc means that for a couple you really need to budget for something like $NZ15 - 20,000 for a decent trip.

I still recall on our first trip in 2004 I bought a g & t for my wife and a pint for me on The Strand. I was very quiet when I got back from the bar because I had made the mistake of translating what it cost into $NZ!

And then there are the grandchildren in Auckland, Hokitika, and Western Australia to visit. The rugrats will always take priority over another trip to Britain I am afraid!

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