Jenkins and Beach families (General)

by unknown, Friday, August 05, 2011, 07:13 (4960 days ago) @ Jefff

hi jeff,yes i am new to this site.thank you very much for the advice and for takeing my number off.i come from a long line of coal and iron miners both on my mothers and farthers own father was a ripper at methley mothers father was a coal face worker at hatfiled also her 2 brothers.i my self whent to work at waterloo colliery in leeds when i was 15 on my 16th birthday i was sent to work underground as a timber lad then on to be a pony driver in the black bed seam it was 2'6" thick.i left when i was 18 i was getting £6.50 a week i was offered a job at £10 pound a week in the building trade so off i whent,a few years later in 1968 this pit was closed down.i am off down to the forest of dean next week for 1-2 weeks i will be camping at beery family tree was professionly researched so i have a lot of detail .any advice wile i am down there would be welcome. Colin

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