Yarworth BULLOCK (General)

by ChrisW @, Wednesday, December 28, 2011, 19:17 (4809 days ago)

Gloucester Citizen Gloucestershire, England 18 Feb 1891

COLEFORD. Petty Sessions, Tuesday.—Before Capt. Dighton (in the chair) and Messrs. C. T. Palmer and Isaiah Trotter.—Yarworth Bullock, Coleford, was summoned for being disorderly and refusing to quit the Feathers Inn on the 7th. Fined £1 and 7s. costs.

Gloucester Citizen Gloucestershire, England 22 Dec 1886

COLEFORD. Police Coubt, Tuesday.—Before Colonel Davies, Mr. Isaiah Trotter, and Mr. C. W. Dew.—Edwin Lewis, butcher, of Monmouth, and Yarworth Bullock, butcher, of Coleford, were charged with assaulting Thomas Arthur Jones, innkeeper, of Monmouth.

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