Louisa Butler from Droitwich (General)

by unknown, Saturday, February 25, 2012, 02:15 (4762 days ago) @ sarahcate

Hi again Sarah, I cant say for sure about the Butler background,but it has been mentioned in articles about the Dixon family of Cearleon site,that Louisa Dixon (Nee Butler was a true Romany)
I am trying to find out who my Gt Gt Granfathers father was,as his parents dont appear to be from Cearleon,but possible Glous or Worcest.
I am also trying to find my Gt Grandmothers parents,my Gt Grandmother married williams son born 1876 also named william Henry Dixon,but my Gt Grandmothers maiden name was Holt and she was born in worcest. I am starting to search for the holts now,ut i dont know if they were Romany either.Im pretty sure Louisa Butler was though.

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