Perlieu - Hope Mansell (General)

by Haydn @, Leicestershire, Sunday, March 25, 2012, 16:36 (4727 days ago) @ slowhands


The map link is far better than I managed to find. I think the buidings tucked away on the north east corner of KHG look promising.

In 1861, my GG Grandmother was living with her parents at Lea Hamlet (Knacker's Grove) with her parents, her brother was living at Hope's Ash Farm and her husband-to-be was a servant to Alfred Wintle at Bill Mill. It's all within walking distance!

What had thrown me off the trail for ages was that on their transcribed marriage details in 1861 their residence was Lea Bailey. I contacted Admin and unfortunately on checking, they didn't write Knacker's Hole as their address.

The database is brilliant, but isn't miraculous!

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