John TRIGG = Phoebe SIER 1848 (General)

by unknown, Monday, April 30, 2012, 20:38 (4685 days ago) @ unknown

Hi there Dave, I am descended from John Trigg and Phoebe Sier.
Their daughter Esther Eliza Trigg married George Reed
and their daughter Phoebe Ann married a Francis John Vowles (my Maiden name)
their eldest son George was my grandfather and we all carry the middle name Reid (misspelt) to commemorate Phoebe Ann who died weeks after giving birth to their daughter Winifred Vowles.
So I guess John and Phoebe are my great-great-great-grandparents...
For some unknown reason , the Reed side of the family had nothing to do with the children of that marriage even after Francis John was killed in Flanders in 1917, leaving tham orphaned.
The children including my grandfather George were raised by his Vowles aunts in and around Backwell, Somerset.
Phoebe Ann and Francis John's marriage took place in Cardiff where all the children were born. I have only just discovered this side of the family , (yesterday!)due to a miss transciption of Vowles into Powles on the 1911 Cardiff census. I found them by tracing the address that my grandad was born at.
I know its a long shot, but if anyone on this site has any clue as to the reason of the families falling out I would be very grateful to be let in on the secret !
All the best, Kate Sheppard (nee Reid-Vowles)

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