YOUNG - Mitchel Troy + previous thread (General)

by m p griffiths @, Sunday, July 01, 2012, 11:21 (4622 days ago) @ grahamdavison

1841 Census taken 6 June 1841 -

There is a little 'squiggle' above the 2 on John YOUNG's age - so could be '2 m'


Also on Mitcheltroy - Burials

Mary Ann YOUNG - 15 October 1845 - age 8 - Coleford, Glos


Family connection with Michel Troy?

1851 census, Francis YOUNG - born - transcribed as Cumiarvon - could this be Cwmcarfan/Cwmcarvan - which, according to Genuki, is 2.0 miles from Mitchel Troy (zooming on the census return, it looks like CWMCARVON)

Mitchel Troy baptism 15 October 1820 - Francis - s of Margaret YOUNG - other siblings of Francis & Margaret YOUNG, also on Mitchel Troy Baptisms (on the 'net')

Francis & Margaret YOUNG (on the net - one website: Francis YOUNG m Margaret MEREDITH - 27 May 1795)


This YOUNG tree is on the website


These baptisms inc Francis - 1820 are on the Monmouthshire Parish Records for Mitchel Troy - link below

Ann - 16 August 1795 - Francis & Margt
Margt - 31 December 1797
Elizth - 16 June 1800
John - 30 January 1803
Mary - 7 July 1805
William - 10 April 1808
Thomas - 5 November 1809
Eliza - 19 April 1818

then children start around 1831 - Francis & Eliza YOUNG

previous thread:

Monmouthshire parish records


1841 Census - Mitchel Troy


Francis - 60 - Farmer
Eliza - 28
Mary - 10
Sarah - 7
Caroline - 4
Alvena - 2
Thomas YOUNG - 26
William YOUNG -24


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