Crump Meadow Colliery (General)

by peteressex @, Monday, July 23, 2012, 08:54 (4607 days ago) @ m p griffiths

Thanks, mpg.

Even if the Severn didn't intervene, I'd agree that Longney is a bit far from Crump Meadow for a cogent connection between Elizabeth Crump and the colliery. However, from your county archive probe I assume this Mrs Crump is one of the earliest of that name to be found with land in the county.

I wonder, though, if an admittedly slender clue to a connection between Crump Meadow and the Crump family name can be found in the Lightmoor website link you've produced. Early records of the workings show that the colliery was started by Edward Protheroe in 1829, but the 1841 awards included gales called "Crump's Resolution" and "Crump's Regulation." The possessive apostrophe never seems to be found in anything called "Crump's Meadow." It comes only as "Crump Meadow", so you might have expected "Crump Resolution" and "Crump Regulation" if no Mr or Mrs Crump had ever been on the scene. A straw to clutch, but still a straw.

I'll see what my cousin knows. His grandfather worked for Crump Meadow in connection with coal shipments from Lydney Docks, but, as we know from Lightmoor, it was only realistic to ship coal from Lydney rather than Bullo Pill once the connection to the Mineral Loop had been made, so anything handed down about a Crump at Crump Meadow might be third generation or so. Watch this space, although I'm not sure it will be filled.

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