Records of DOWDING family including possible photographs (General)

by unknown, Tuesday, September 04, 2012, 03:26 (4566 days ago) @ Judith

I am a great-granddaughter of Mary Ann DEAN nee GILL,1840-1925, sister to the Eliza GILL who married James PAVEY at Yarcombe 1860, who were the parents of James Gill PAVEY.

The GILL girls were daughters of James GILL, Coachman of the 'Defiance' on the Ilminster stage of the Exeter/London route and each commemorated their father in using Gill as a middle Christian name for a child. The PAVEYs continued the practice for, at least, a further generation.

The DEANs were Gamekeepers at Chillington Hall, Brewood, Staffs., but they too were linked to Newport, Monmouthshire, via daughters, and spent a period there after retirement.

I'd love to share research and perhaps compare photos of PAVEYs with 'my' DEANs born mid-19th Century?

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