BEACH/BEECH - (Ancestor Search Website Guidance) (General)

by BSEDDON @, Thursday, October 11, 2012, 16:01 (4527 days ago) @ m p griffiths

Hi M P

I came across this thread today quite by accident when I Googled to find out where Tregagal was/is.......

This branch of the Beach family has been troubling me for quite some time. I had the following tentative chain based on this sites parish records

James Beach =1771= Elizabeth Hughes

1882 James Beach =1815= Sylvia Williams

1816 James Beach =1838= Mary Jones

1838 James Beach

Very interestingly, this thread refers to dates that I cannot confirm or find anywhere. In particular, the original James is given as living between 1745 and 1795. I haven't been able to locate either a baptism or burial record for him. I believe that I am a direct descendant of this fellow via his first son 1773 Thomas. His parents are, at this stage, still unclear to me. However, I believe (hope) that they are John Beach and Eleanor Morgan who appear to be the only Beach family resident in Bream around this time.

Do you know of any other sources that may be of use to me?

Also, I noted the comments relating to the properties of James the haulier. I have tried following the link that you provided but didn't really get anywhere. Any clarification of this would also be welcomed

thanks for any help that you may be able to provide, Brian

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