Greenhaf/Grinhaf/GREENOUGH (General)

by unknown, Thursday, November 01, 2012, 22:50 (4511 days ago) @ m p griffiths

Thanks for your help. Not exactly a family of master criminals by the look of it!
I'm still having difficulty getting futher back than Thomas Greenhaff. I'm trying to trace the male side of the family for a relative who is not good with computers.
I'm originally from Newport, where there are still quite a few Greenhafs. I now live in St Albans but go back to Newport quite often and have friends in Chepstow quite near the Forest of Dean. I'd like to visit the area and possibly do some further research. Although I'm a history teacher who has done a bit of academic research, I have no experence of tracing family trees.

Where would you recommend I start? Parish records, graveyards? Or are all these records online?


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