Rivers Family (General)

by Roser29 @, Tuesday, February 05, 2013, 20:43 (4415 days ago) @ jOANNEBOOTH

Hello Jo
I don't know if you will see this message as I know you originally posted about 3 years ago but I found it when I was searching about the family. I am the granddaughter of Sidney's youngest sister Vera who was born in 1928, d 2005. I too would like to know more about the family. I know my Gran was very fond of her parents and siblings and talked lots about them, I just wish I had asked more questions whilst she was still alive. I think I can answer one of your previous questions about the family moving from Wales. My Gran told me that the family were from the Forest but there was a time when work dried up in the Forest mines (not sure why?) so they had to move temporarily to Wales to find work in the pits there. Gran said that some of her older sisters were born there but they must have moved back to the Forest by the time Sid was born in 1917. I think there is now only one of the siblings left alive, Elizabeth, who was the next youngest from Vera. I think there was a total of 9 children born to William and Elizabeth Rivers. Becky.

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