ANZACS born in the Forest (General)

by lamplighter2 @, Monday, April 29, 2013, 01:08 (4323 days ago) @ ritpetite

Re J Hopkins comments on it being a celebration in Australia. The day starts off with a sombre dawn service and then there is a commemorative march through all towns and cities where veterans from all wars, familes or relatives proudly march. It is great to see grandchildren marching with their grandfathers or their fathers and as the case may be the children proudly wearing their grandfather's medals. There is a growing respect amongst the children of the price paid by the men who fought for our countries and to aid other countries. With the current situation in Afghanistan it has probably brought it home to a lot more people.
After the march, the various military units, regiments etc hold their own re-unions and reminisce on the good and bad times they shared during the conflicts. There is usually a sporting event in the afternoon, eg. rugby league which is known as the Anzac Day game, with a minute silence observed before the game by the players and spectators prior to the kick off.
In Brisbane this year at the dawn service there were so many people turn up at the Shrine of Remembrance, Anzac Square that they had to redirect a lot of people to the City Hall square and show the ceremony on a large screen.
My great uncle from Lydbrook lost his life in WWl.

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