SHERGOLD - John, Henry, George : KEAR (General)

by jean cavanagh @, Sydney nsw Australia, Thursday, July 18, 2013, 06:55 (4255 days ago) @ jean cavanagh

John, Henry, George Shergold all charged with an offence in Wiltshire and then sent to Australia. John in 1798 on the Barwell, George and Henry on the Eleanor in 1831. (no ages)

All later pardoned.

My great grandmother was Jean Shergold, born approx 1834. Daughter of William Shurgold and Elizabeth Newman. (information generously provided by "slow hands". Could these men be related to William Shurgold? Brothers perhaps?

Also a Elizabeth KEAR, aged 24, came to Australia on the Ormuz in 1890 with her children to join her husband Alexander Kear (no age) who had come in 1842 on the Manlius. Could Elizabeth be a Shergold(SHurgold)?

We are wondering how Jean Shergold came to Australia aged 22 in Dec 1856 on the ship Kate. Her brother George, aged 17, came to Australia in 1857 on the ship Hindostan. Perhaps they were joining other members of the Shergold family (such as John, Henry, George)?

Many thanks if you can help with any information prior to census.
Jean Cavanagh

jean E cavanagh

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