Will of John Benfield Coleford 1707 (General)

by dirt2design @, Sunday, July 28, 2013, 14:18 (4237 days ago) @ Jefff

Dear Jeff,

Much thanks for the heads up. I tried to change the email but I couldn't find "edit" any longer. I will send the History Trust a note. Thanks you for filling me in on Susan that's too bad. I am in the exact spot she was in 2010. The person who forwarded her the "WILL" is he still a memeber on this site?

I personally feel that John Coleman was the first generation to migrate to Longhope. Many have connected his father Richard to the US.

Thanks you for the website in Longhope which I have seen. I will visit the area during my trip. Perhaps Essex will have further clues.

My thanks again.



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