Bream School Records (General)

by downunder @, Friday, August 02, 2013, 12:31 (4224 days ago)

I was wondering if anyone could help me with a couple of queries.

On the attendance records for Bream school in the 1920's, two of the children in the family are said to have "transferred to CE". The girl was 8 and the boy was 9 when they transferred. The family was probably living in Bream's Eaves or maybe West Dean. What school would the "CE" stand for?

Also, on the Evacuees Class Attendance Records for Bream school some of the children aged 6 and 7 are referred to as "left" in 1945 while a few are referred to as "transferred." Did this mean the same thing - ie that the children were going home - or did the "transferred" possibly mean that those children were transferring to other schools within the FOD area?

Kind regards from OZ

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