HOLMES resident in Linton area c1800s. (General)

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Sunday, January 04, 2015, 01:11 (3718 days ago) @ djanej

Hi Jane,
I was wondering if you've made any more progress with this enquiry, I do hope so.

Sadly I'm unable to add anymore info to what you already know. I found your above post not because I'm researching your line, but while searching the forum for "Holmes" & "Linton" regarding the next post on this thread. As much as I understand some of your reasoning for discounting Mary Holmes from your researches, I feel I must query part of it, when you say "Holmes is not a Southern name".
In principle I'm sure you're correct, however please don't fall into the same trap I have done myself morwe than once regarding surnames, such as my recent post re Mayo and assuming it was Irish, when it most probably isn't.

My schoolyears in the Western Dean often involved a certain lad named Holmes, so your post struck a distinct nerve with me ! Moving-on and right across the Forest, searching this site's PRs as I've been tonight shows eleven Holmes from Linton back to the late 1600s, and a further 59 in the neighbouring Upton Bishop parish back to the 1700s, so I respectfully suggest that you might need to rethink your reasoning. Also, as much as I agree that Mary does seem a traditional family name, it is also a hugely-popular name for a great many other families too with it's Biblical background.

I do hope this post helps with your researches, all the very best, Jeff.

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