Emma cindery/Lucy cindery (General)

by Carolbeagle, Tuesday, February 09, 2016, 11:34 (3302 days ago) @ Jefff

Since I posted here regarding emma cindrey last year, I have discovered that she married George lane, in 1861,and had at least 3, possibly 4 children with him, I have the wedding certificate, and birth certificates to prove it. In 1870 she gave birth to a Lucy, who it appears she took with her when she left the forest and moved to Worksop with William little. She went on to have several children with William including my great grandmother, emma, and several others, including a Lucy born in 1874. The 1870 Lucy I presume died young, as she doesn't appear on the census in barnsley at monk bretton in 1891.
On her death certificate she gives her name. As little implying they married, but I have tried everywhere, and can't find a record of her marriage to William little at all. Birth certificates of her children with William give her maiden name as cindrey still, not lane, so she either divorced George lane and refused to use his name, or somewhere there are 2 emma cindreys born in the forest, with a father called Henry, a sawyer!
I haven't seen any evidence of emma cindrey in any other families around that time.
I recently found a census for 1861 with George lane as a Cowman, and an Emily s cindry as milkmaid, and think that may have been where emma and George lane met, as Emily could be an error in writing the name down - it seems to be too much of a coincidence!

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