HAWKINS burials, Williamstown Glamorgan or F.o.Dean ? (General)

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Thursday, June 23, 2016, 18:49 (3176 days ago) @ Bantamweight

Hi Jeff

Thank you very much for this, apologies for my slow reply I have only just found it.

Yes much of it I know, I didn't know all of Fred's war records, That Chapel sounds like a possibility I will look into that next. I know that William Harold Hawkins was on his own at 43 Edmondstown Road, Williamstown in 1939. I'm sure this is the correct William Harold because its the address given on David's Marriage cert. Further down the street from number 65. Its also the address mentioned in Martha's will.

Fred was living in Crow Ash Road, Berry Hill in 1939. I have family there now who remember that he lived there. He was living with Jessie and her siblings.

I would be delighted to find the burials of any of this Family. I Know Annie Mary is at Christchurch. I suspect most are back in Williamstown and Fred should be in the Forest somewhere.

Thank you very much for the effort you have put in, its lovely to see all that written in one place.

Hi Bantamweight,
you're very welcome, just wish I could have offered more help.
Re Fred's WW1 Records, do you have access to Ancestry etc, maybe at your local library if not from home, unlike some they weren't hard to find. If you haven't (or maybe you're abroad etc), then I can download them and email them to you off the forum, just send me a personal mail via the blue envelope icon. That said, despite them being available (a great many are not) they're not the easiest to read in places, but still of interest of course.
I was particularly surprised as to why he joined-up in Great Yarmouth, seems a long way from home or a likely place of work, perhaps this is a clue to further records in that area ??.

From your reply I guess you've used the 1939 Registry, I've never used that but it's clearly worthwhile in this instance.

I must say I'm puzzled we cannot find a Burial Record for Fred. The most obvious place is with wife Jessie at Christchurch, yet no PR in this site's database despite it being within the cut-off date ?. Have you visited her grave at all ?.
Unsure why but I didn't even search him on FreeBMD, as I'm sure you have, so for completeness here he is, which again suggests a local Burial;

Surname Given Name Age District Volume Page Transcriber
Deaths Mar 1962
HAWKINS Frederick J. 70 F.of Dean 7b 556 annaggy

On the subject of Burial Records, after some months offline I'm pleased to see the FoD Council website is back online and allowing easy access to it's records for Mile End and Yew Tree Brake Cemetries. Sadly I cannot find Fred.


Regarding burials at Christchurch, did you know this site has a database of Monumental Inscriptions which includes Christchurch, it includes several Hawkins altho I cannot see Fred d1962 or wife Jessie, perhaps it does include other family members ?.

This site also has a section of Gravestones photos, it includes a couple of Hawkins at Christchurch which may possibly interest you.

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