Will of John Berrow of Nash, Mon 1750 (General)

by MPGriffiths @, Tuesday, October 11, 2016, 13:43 (3068 days ago) @ Peter Rogers

Gloucestershire Marriage Allegations 1637-1837 and Marriage Bonds 1730-1823

Under Resources on this website

two records - Record: 44053 and Records: 59658 one giving age

Henry BARROW aged 30, Batchelor - c1729
occupation: Butcher
residence: St Briavells


Elizabeth YEROT (YEROTT) aged 25, Spinster
residence: Newland
marriage by Licence:

Sworn before Thos. Carpenter - to marry at Newland

Memoranda: The groom and Aaron MACE are bound in the sum of £500. To marry at Newland

(Aarron MACE a Cordwainer of Harscombe - )


Try and form the family groups/christian names etc at St Briavels of BARROW/BERROW - starting with the earliest....

Also use the Advance Search for witnesses etc.


St Briavells

Burial: Anthony BARROW - 27 November 1662 (Glos Record Office: Will of Anthony BERROW St Briavels 1663) + Will of Richard BERROW of St Briavels 1666)

and two christening

John BERROW - son of Richard 1670
Henry BERROW - son of John 1666

etc etc


Or try searching the National Archives


for example

Date: 1662

Short title: Skyne v Berrow

Plaintiffs: William SKYNE and (unknown) REEVE
Defendants: Anne BERROW widow, James BERROW, Robert BERROW and William CARPENTER
Subject: property in St briavel's Monmouthshire
Document type: three answers

Held by: The Nationla Archives, Kew

-----Date: 1595 - St Briavels

Certificate of residence: showing James BERROW (or the variant surname: BEROWE, BERROWE)

Held by: The National Archives, Kew


Edmund BERROWE 1606 of Bledisloe & St Briavels.

Men in Armour 1608 - lists Edmond BERROWE - Gentleman, Purton in Lydney Parish Aged around 40 - middle stature

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