Barrow FRERE (General)

by Mike Pinchin @, Bedford, England, Sunday, February 11, 2018, 22:24 (2577 days ago) @ Ann Broom

Is this the description you refer to? At the moment I can’t find any reference to this property on old maps.

BNA Hereford Journal - Wednesday 30 August 1815

TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by JOHN TRISTRAM, At the Nag's Head Inn, in the Town of Ross, in the County of Hereford, Thursday, the twenty-eighth day of September, I815,

All that newly erected FREEHOLD MESSUAGE or DWELLING-HOUSE, with the Garden, Fold, Barn, Stable, Building, several Pieces or Parcels of rich Arable, Meadow, Pasture Land, and Orcharding, called THE NEW HOUSE or CHAIRS, in the Parish of Walford, in the County of Hereford, now in the occupation of Mr. Barrow Frere, as tenant thereof, in the following Lots, or such others as may be agreed upon at the Time of Sale…………..

………..The House is commodious, and in thorough repair, situate in the Vale of Walford (nearly adjoining the Turnpike Road from Ross to Coleford, and within a short distance of the much admired River Wye), commanding pleasing and picturesque views of the adjacent highly diversified hills, and extremely well calculated for the residence of a genteel family. The lands are in excellent condition, and some of the Lots would be truly desirable for Building Purposes, as they command views of Goodrich Castle and the surrounding country. The Town of Ross is distant two miles. For a View of the Lots apply to the Tenant and for further Particulars to Mr. William Hooper, Attorney, Ross, if by letter post-paid.

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