HI T CHENS/H U T C H I N S (General)

by MPGriffiths @, Thursday, November 01, 2018, 15:42 (2324 days ago) @ MPGriffiths


English Phonetic Surname 1750 - onwards, known spellings - search also for

HITCHINS search also for HUTCHINS

HITCHINS search also for HICHINS


then we have

at Gloucester Holy Trinity


5 July 1619

Spouse: Margaret ELDRIDGE


Margerie ELDRIDGE christened 20 October 1587 Hartpury, Glos :

Father: JOHN

The Will of John ELDRIDGE of Hartpury dated 1614 is on Ancestry and talks about his daughter Margerie, his wife and other children.


and then a possible:

William HUTCHINS christened at Incom Gloucesterhisre 7 August 1599, father: JOHN


Baptism at Hasfield, Gloucestershire

28 February 1655

Eleanor HUTCHINS, father: William HUTCHINS

and on the Forest of Dean Licences etc.

26 September 1678

Elinor HITCHINS aged 23, Spinster, (c1655) of Gloucester City

to marry

Richard PAINE, aged 30, Tailor of Hasfeild

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