1st Battalion Monmouthshire Regiment: William Barber (General)

by agick @, Friday, March 13, 2020, 04:02 (1800 days ago)

I found your an entry for William Barber from St. Briavels with the 1st Battalion Monmouthshire Regiment. His brother Edgar Barber from St. Briavels belonged to the 4th Battalion SWB, Is there any more info that can be found on William's service during WWI? I've been able to find info on Edgar in fold3 and ancestry so far.

1st Battalion Monmouthshire Regiment: William Barber

by sidtoomey01 @, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Saturday, March 14, 2020, 08:59 (1799 days ago) @ agick

Have you been able to find William Barbers service record on Fold 3 or Ancestry?
If you can provide more details such as date of birth etc i can have a look. There were a lot of William Barbers in WW1.
Do you know what rank he was ?
Headquarters was at Stow Hill, Newport.
If you want to read some details on the war service of the 1st Battalion, the following link should help.https://wartimememoriesproject.com/greatwar/allied/battalion.php?pid=762
If I have inserted the address incorrectly, try wartimememoriesproject.com then search for the 1st Battalion Monmouthshire Regiment in the Great War

Good luck

1st Battalion Monmouthshire Regiment: William Barber

by agick @, Saturday, March 14, 2020, 19:15 (1798 days ago) @ sidtoomey01

Thanks much for your reply. William was born Dec. 20, 1890 in St. Briavels. I was very happy to find an entry for his brother Edgar here in forest-of-dean.net, identifying him as belonging to the 4th Battalion, SWB. I then was able to find other info for Edgar in fold3 and ancestry, especially his service number tying him back to St. Briavels. But so far I haven't been able to find any further info on his brother William. I just sent an email to my Uncle Des age 94 from Devon who might have known his Uncle William. I live in Michigan, USA so getting local details on William is a bit tough. Anything you can find would be appreciated. :) Meanwhile I'll keep looking and your history suggestion would be interesting.

Thanks again.


1st Battalion Monmouthshire Regiment: William Barber

by agick @, Saturday, March 14, 2020, 21:39 (1798 days ago) @ sidtoomey01

Well I just solved by quandry with William Barber. I had used Ancestry and fold3 to research and wasn't successful, so I then used 'Forces War Records' and found the service record which now worked with ancestry and fold3.

Thanks for the help.


1st Battalion Monmouthshire Regiment: William Barber

by HarryBrook @, Sunday, March 15, 2020, 10:37 (1798 days ago) @ agick

agick seems to have this sorted now but if anyone is curious – William Barber was born in quarter 4 of 1890 and his birth was registered in the Chepstow District as Willie Barber. He was also recorded as Willie in the 1891 and 1901 censuses at St. Briavels.

2461 Private William Barber landed in France on 13 February 1915 with 1st Battn. The Monmouthshire Regt.

On 25 April 1915 he was admitted to No.3 Casualty Clearing Station (C.C.S.) suffering from a gunshot wound (G.S.W.) to his right leg. No. 3 C.C.S. was stationed at Hazebrouck and Poperinghe during April and May 1915. The term G.S.W. was a general term covering gunshot, shrapnel and shell fragment wounds.

The war diary of 1st Mons. for 24 April 1915 recorded that the battn. was in trenches south of Zonnebeke, near Ypres and suffered a heavy bombardment by German rifle grenades. Apart from men killed the diary records that 13 O.Rs. (other ranks) were wounded. William Barber was probably in this number. The battn. was short of supplies and the diary recorded that ”it was most trying for the men as they had no means of reply”.

At some point William Barber was transferred to the Labour Corps and at the time of his discharge he had risen to the rank of Sergeant, service number 571058.

Medal rolls show that he was entitled to the 1914 -15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal. The B.W.M. and V.M. roll notes that he was discharged on 14 March 1919.

Post war he claimed a disability pension. The pension record card gave his rank and number, etc. as Sgt. 571058 Labour Corps, address – 1, Bloomfield Terrace, Blackwood., year of birth 1891, and marital status (at the time) single. The card gave his date of discharge as 28 November 1918. He was assessed having 5% disability due to suffering varicose veins as a result of his service. He was paid a pension of 6 shillings and 6 pence per week until, as recorded on the card, 2 August 1921.

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