Oaklands Park: Gardeners and other staff (General)

by Margaret Pirnie, Tuesday, February 16, 2021, 16:58 (1459 days ago) @ stephaniejr

Hi Stephanie
Just came on your posts re staff at Oaklands Park. I don’t know if you are still researching but thought I would send you this info anyway. My great aunt and Uncle were employed at Oaklands for many years as cook and butler to lord and lady Gwynne Evans. I don’t know exactly when they started but think it might be in the 1940’s and were there until my uncle’s death in 1965. They were Fred and Lizzie Grimmet. I used to spend my holidays there as a child and remember a couple of other names such as a Mrs Organ and Peggy, both I think worked in the kitchens there. I was able to make a visit there a few years back and was given a guided tour by one of the staff members. So pleased to relive the happy times spent there, if you need to contact me further feel free to do so.

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