ELBOROUGH/GARDINER Ampney Crucis (General)

by MPGriffiths @, Tuesday, August 17, 2021, 10:42 (1301 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

Just for info

1851 Census, Cheltenham

14 Gloster Place

living with Jane SHORT - aged 50 - born Ireland

William SHORT - 24 - Servant, born Gloster Chelt
Mary SHORT - daughter - 24 - Milliner & Dressmaker - born Cirencester
Edward - Grandson - 1 - born Cheltenham

etc etc


Depending who was answered the question, (ie Place of Birth) when the Enumerator 'stood at the door'

Can't see another marriage of a Mary SHORT (father Giles GARDNER) - so assume it's more thane likely Mary was christened in Ampney Cruis - (very small hamlet).

? what happened to William & Mary SHORT after 1851

William Edward SHORT, christened at Cheltenham 20 March 1850

parents: William Edward (Servant) and Mary Ann SHORT, - Gloucester Place

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