Frequently Asked Questions (General)

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Tuesday, September 06, 2005, 11:24 (7128 days ago)

Do I have to Register before posting a Message?

Registration is free and optional.

You can read all the past messages or post a new message without doing so.

Registration adds features:

If you change your email address in the future you are able to update it on the
Message Board and it will automatically be changed on all the posts you have
made after you first registered. It would be a shame if someone had an answer
to a query which you had been searching for years and they were not able to get
in touch with you.

You are able to edit any messages you have posted if you discover you have made
a mistake.

The ability to create and automatically add a signature with your preferred
contact information to any posts or replies you make.

It only takes a few minutes to register so it is recommended you do so.

Unfortunately, I'm unable to change peoples email addresses on messages that
have been posted by unregistered users.


Is my email address safe from spammers?

In order to protect you from spammers and email harvesters your email address
is not shown. If there has been an email address entered by a poster you can
contact this person direct via a contact form which is displayed by an icon at
the side of each message.

It is recommended that if you are replying to a message that you post your
reply on the Message Board unless it is of a personal nature. Many people other
than the original poster could well find the information in your reply very


Lost my password!

Don't panic! While your password cannot be retrieved it can be reset. To do
this go to the login page and click 'Forgot your password'. Follow the
instructions and you should be back online in no time.


How do I change my email address?

All your settings (if you are registered) are stored in the database. To alter
them firstly log in then click your user name link shown at the top of pages.
This will take you to your information page and allow you to change all your


When Posting a new Message

When asking a questions, be as precise and detailed as possible. The Subject
Line is an important part of your posting. Your message may be ignored by those
who are short on time if your subject is not clear and descriptive.


I get an error message saying my name is already in use!

The most common reason is that you are registered and you are trying to post a
message without first logging in. All you have to do is log in before you post a
new message.

The other reason of course is that someone else has the same user name as
yourself who has registered before you.

Additions to FAQ

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Thursday, September 22, 2005, 12:37 (7112 days ago) @ admin

I'm having trouble logging in!

The most likely reasons for this is that you entered an incorrect username or password.

• Check the email you were sent when you first registered.

• Make sure you are entering your password correctly. They are case-sensitive.

• Ensure that your browser supports cookies; if so, check the security level you are using. High levels of security restriction in certain browsers will automatically reject cookies. In order to use the key features of these forums, you'll need to accept cookies.

• If you continue to have problems, go to the login page. Enter your Username and E-mail address and click the 'Forgot your password' button. A temporary password will be generated and e-mailed to you.


Acceptable Use Policy

Registration as a User implies acceptance of the following terms and conditions:

• Participants shall not post any material likely to cause offence, that is protected by copyright, trademark or other proprietary right - without the express permission of the owner of such copyright - or that contains personal phone numbers or addresses.

• Participants may not use the Forum to post or transmit advertisements or commercial solicitations of any kind.

• The Forum Administrator has the right to edit, censor, delete or otherwise modify any posted message.

• This web site does not verify or guarantee the accuracy of the material posted to the Forum or bear any responsibility for any loss, damage, or other liabilities caused by any posted message.

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