How to contact the poster of a message direct (General)

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Friday, September 30, 2005, 10:29 (7105 days ago)

At the top of every page is a link to the FAQ which includes the following:

Email Addresses

In order to protect you from spammers and email harvesters your email address is not shown. If there has been an email address entered by a poster you can contact this person direct via a contact form. A link to the contact form is displayed by an icon at the side or on the top (depending upon which mode you are using for viewing) of each message.

It is recommended that if you are replying to a message that you post your reply on the Message Board unless it is of a personal nature. Many people other than the original poster could well find the information in your reply very useful.

Privacy Statement

Also, I've just recently added to the FAQ a link to our Privacy Statement

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