Wellock -Basing Hampshire - Millers

by slowhands @, Saturday, March 12, 2005, 11:56 (7305 days ago) @ Jane Phillips

A Wellock family appear to have been Millers in Basing in th early 1800's

Basing Marriage - may become useful
WELLOCK James STEVENS Bridget 28 Oct 1805

Working through the Hampshire on line archives - the Sclater-Booth family are the Baron Basing of Basing Byflete family ( so lords of the manor)


COLLECTION Lamb, Brooks and Bullock of Odiham, solicitors
SECTION Client papers
SubSection Sclater Booth family

Level Item
FindingNo 50M63/B70/54
Title Deed of covenant for surrender and release on parcel of land called the Island as in 50M63/B70/53
Date 21 Dec 1826
Description i) James Wellock of Basing, miller
ii) Richard Booth of Basing, esq


COLLECTION Lamb, Brooks and Bullock of Odiham, solicitors
SECTION Client papers
SubSection Sclater Booth family

Level Item
FindingNo 50M63/B70/53/1
Title Deed of covenant to surrender and release tenement and garden formerly called Rivers and a parcel of land called the Island in the manor of Basing Byfleete
Date 10 Jun 1826
Description i) Hannah Evemay of Basing, widow
ii) James Wellock of Basing, miller


COLLECTION Basingstoke Museum
Section Legal

Level Item
FindingNo 10M57/L26
Title Writ to James Wellock of Basing, to appear in action of debt at suit of Edward Dewey
Date 21 Aug 1840


COLLECTION Basingstoke Museum
Section Legal

Level Item
FindingNo 10M57/L27
Title Writ to Edward Dewey, administrator, of the will of Henry Oliver, in the case against James Wellock
Date 5 Nov 1840


COLLECTION Basingstoke Museum
Section Legal

Level Item
FindingNo 10M57/L122
Title Case at Court for relief of Insolvent debtors, with John Westmore, Elizabeth Watmore, William Wellock and Robert Nicholas, in the matter of Insolvency of James Wellock of Old Basing, miller
Date 30 Jul 1841


COLLECTION Basingstoke Museum
Section Legal

Level Item
FindingNo 10M57/L124
Title Order that Edward Dewey of Basing, builder, is appointed assignee of the effects and estate of James Wellock of Old Basing, farmer
Date 4 Sep 1841


COLLECTION Old Basing parish

Level Item
FindingNo 3M70/60/33
Title Bastardy order for a female child (b 29 Nov 1826 at house of Ann Goffe in Basing), daughter of Mary Nevill, singlewoman, and William Wellock, miller
Date 1828

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