WINTLE of Mitcheldean 1800s and before (General)
by amanda woolley , Thursday, March 17, 2005, 01:49 (7301 days ago)
Researching the line of John Wintle 1764 - 1850 of Plump Hill and his descendants in Mitcheldean, Glos.
Wintles of Mitcheldean 1800s and before
by julien , Monday, December 12, 2005, 05:05 (7031 days ago) @ amanda woolley
Hallo Amanda, Had a look at your wonderful selection of photos. Not sure if there's a connection but I'm looking for info on the Wintles of Westbury & specifically Rodley. My Gt Gt Grandfather Joseph Wintle was born in Rodley in 1803 & became a linen merchant in Bristol. Not sure who were his parents as there were two Joseph Wintles baptised in Westbury church in 1803, within a couple of months of each other. Possibly a connection somewhere with the brewery family of Mitcheldean.
Wintles of Mitcheldean 1800s and before
by squillysmum, Tuesday, May 08, 2007, 06:39 (6519 days ago) @ julien
I reckon I can link up to one of the 1803 Josephs Wintle's. Mine married Eliza Collyer (or Collier) and so far i have identified 3 of their children - Eliza, Frances and Joseph. I am descended from Eliza. Anyone else link up in this way?
Wintles of Mitcheldean 1800s and before
by julien , Tuesday, May 08, 2007, 07:46 (6519 days ago) @ squillysmum
Hi Squillysmum
Good to see that someone is still interested in the Wintles!
If you have a look at my post on 9th Jan 06
& the replies you'll see that I had some very interesting information which solved that particular problem. The reply from Linda Ferris (who doesn't appear to be a registered user of the site) made it clear which Joseph was not mine - in fact he's yours! & the reply from Bri linked me up with a long lost third cousin, and susequently with some closer ones. The Wintle clan seems to be very large and I have yet to find a connection with the brewery family of Mitcheldean, though I feel sure there must be one somewhere.
As I've susequently found - and Slowhands was very helpful here - my line of Wintles goes back a long way, centred on Cowley Elms Farm at Rodley.
I hope you will be able to make contact with Linda as you must be related.
What a very good & friendly site this is!
Wintles of Mitcheldean 1800s and before
by squillysmum, Wednesday, May 09, 2007, 05:44 (6518 days ago) @ julien
Thanks Julien. i'm new to this game having only found this site last week, so forgive me if/when I get muddled up. i am also fairly new to genealogy research and have only been seriously diggin ginto the tree since around Christmas. i will certainly try and get in touch with Linda - sounds like we have many relatives in common!
I have tried to find a way to contact Linda but cannot see how to do it since she doesn't have a live email link next to her post. Does anyone out there know how to find her? I am happy for you to give her my details, if you do.
Sent details of your posting
by admin , Forest of Dean, Wednesday, May 09, 2007, 06:09 (6518 days ago) @ squillysmum
I have sent an e-mail to Linda Ferris advising her of your posting.
Sent details of your posting
by John Merry, Saturday, March 14, 2009, 16:20 (5842 days ago) @ admin
My name is John Merry.
I've had past correspondance with Linda Ferris and have lost her email address.
Could you please forward my email address.
Linda offered me pictures of my great grandparents and they were lost as well.
Warmest Regards
Sent details of your posting
by unknown, Monday, April 09, 2012, 17:53 (4720 days ago) @ admin
Thank You.
How this would end up in the Wintle post is that my great great grandmother was a Wintle.
She married a Smith.
My Great Grandmother being Charlotte Smith.
If anyone has photos I would enjoy seeing them.
John Merry
Wintles of Mitcheldean 1800s and before
by Barbara Lloyd , Friday, May 11, 2007, 00:11 (6516 days ago) @ julien
Just as background information I offer the following
I have a document from the Gloucester Record Office showing an
Inland Revenue Document giving the rateable value of the property
St. Whites House Cinderford this was £19.50 per annum. The document was dated
1880. The house belonged to the Hewlett Family one Samuel Hewlett. This was part of his estate left to his Son William Hewlett and his Mother Louisa.
What connection is this to the Wintle family?
The Solicitor handling the matter was James Wintle & Son of Newnham.
Is this scrap of information of any interest to anyone researching the Wintle family
Barbara Lloyd
Wintles of Mitcheldean 1800s and before
by julien , Monday, May 28, 2007, 08:48 (6499 days ago) @ Barbara Lloyd
Hi Barbara
The Wintles (solicitors) of Newnham were descended from James Wintle,b. 1707, a pinmaker of Gloucester. They moved from Saintbridge House in Gloucester to Hill House, Newnham ( which is now Unlawater House) & appear to have handled many property transactions. They are related to the Gilbert Wintles, & also the Wintles of Culham, several of whom were in Holy Orders. I have not yet found a connection with "my" Wintles, of Rodley, or the Wintles of Mitchedean, but no doubt one exists somewhere!
Wintles of Mitcheldean 1800s and before
by erwgoed, Thursday, November 22, 2007, 10:15 (6320 days ago) @ julien
Hi Julien,
I have just found your post regarding the Wintles, I am descended from The Rev Robert Wintle, Vicar of Culham whose daughter Mary Ann married Ashurst Turner Gilbert, Bishop of Chichester; are these the Gilbert Wintles that you refer to. I have come to a dead end with the Rev Robert of Culham and if you have any information about his antecedents I would be very interested.
Wintles of Mitcheldean 1800s and before
by julien , Sunday, November 25, 2007, 04:55 (6318 days ago) @ erwgoed
Hi David
The only information I have on the Rev Robert Wintle & his antecedents comes from a poor photocopy I took of a document I found in the Gloucester Archives. The ref no is D1316/1 if you are able to go & have a look at it. The package contains a handwritten family tree dated 1956 drawn up by Miss UV Wintle, who I believe was a daughter of Douglas James wintle, solicitor of Newnham. The earliest person mentioned on the tree is James W the Gloucester pinmaker 1707 -1763. She implies that one of Mary W & AT Gilbert's sons took his mother's name, hence the "Gilbert Wintles" but this is where my bad copy goes off the page. Also in the package mentioned is an interesting hand written notebook, belonging to DJ Wintle, which appears to be a transcription of Court Leet proceedings going back to the 1600's & mentioning various members of the Wintle family. Hope this helps!
Wintles of Mitcheldean 1800s and before
by Kimbad, Monday, November 22, 2010, 09:42 (5225 days ago) @ erwgoed
I have the photograph album of Sophia Wintle of Mitcheldean 1864-1958, it contains a photo of a clergyman, I will post it to the Forest of Dean site, Historical Photo Section with all the info I have. Let me know if you can help me identify him!
Amanda Woolley
Photo of a clergyman
by admin , Forest of Dean, Wednesday, November 24, 2010, 09:57 (5223 days ago) @ Kimbad
I will post it to the Forest of Dean site
The one of the clergyman comes from the album of Sophia Wintle of Mitcheldean 1864-1958, taken by H.E.Jones of 75 Northgate St, Gloucester, and is on the page facing a photo I posted some years ago that I just called "Alderman" Thanks to the Gloucester Records Office, I now know that "Alderman" is James Bruton, High Sheriff of Gloucester 1900-01 and Mayor of Gloucester 1906-7.
Let me know if you can help me identify him!
Amanda Woolley
Wintles of Mitcheldean 1800s and before
by Kimbad, Monday, November 22, 2010, 09:47 (5225 days ago) @ erwgoed
Have the photograph album of my gt grandmother Sophia Wintle of Mitcheldean 1864-1958, contains a photo of a clergyman, will post it to Historical Photos section of Forest of Dean site together with all info I have. Delighted to know if you can identify the clerical chappy! Amanda Woolley
Wintles of Mitcheldean 1800s and before
by Kimbad, Monday, November 22, 2010, 09:34 (5225 days ago) @ julien
Hi Julien, I descend from the Wintles who ran the Forest Brewery in Mitcheldean.
Briefly, owners of Forest Brewery seem to have been Thomas Wintle 1800-1848 married Sophia Harris Coleman, his son Thomas 1833-1888 married Mary Jane Coleman, and grandson Francis 1868-1943 married Anne Davis.
Francis' sister Sophia 1864-1958 married William Woolley, these are my gt grandparents, they weren't involved in the brewery.
I don't know when the brewing operation was sold, but I can ask my father, fortunately still alive at 90. Probably more reliable is to search the archives at the Herefordshire records office, because the Wintle business records have been deposited there.
My Wintle family is a bit convoluted because second cousin married second cousin, etc. more than once. I can go further back if you are interested.
My Wintle ancestors who weren't brewing beer in Mitcheldean bottled it at nearby Bill Mills (Weston-under-Penyard) ie Alfred John Wintle 1837-1895 married Ellen Clarke, their sons Thomas Clarke Wintle 1866-1945 married Emily Hart, and Osman Alfred Wintle 1869-1927 married Maud Griffiths, continued the business, then I think the grandson Norman Wintle, I'm not sure when the business finished and Bill Mills was sold, again I could ask my father, I know it was still in the family in 1941 because my parents spent their honeymoon there (!)
I descend from Thomas Clarke Wintle and Emily Hart, as well as the other lot, I warned you it was complicated!!
Do you need any more info?
Amanda Woolley
Wintles of Mitcheldean 1800s and before
by julien , Monday, November 22, 2010, 14:31 (5224 days ago) @ Kimbad
Hi Amanda
Just reread the whole thread - started by yourself more than five years ago! I have tried and failed to find a link between the Wintles of Cowley's Elm Farm at Rodley and the Wintles of the Mitcheldean brewery. Also the Newnham Wintle family of Solicitors and Churchmen. Perhaps the link goes back much further as I'm sure we should have a common ancestor somewhere. With the help of this site and the Parish register transcriptions, and various other contacts, I have traced my line with reasonable certainty back as far as Thomas Wintell who died in 1572, but there was some intermarriage with other branches, such as the Wintles of Elton. All good stuff and it keeps us interested!
Wintles of Mitcheldean 1800s and before
by Kimbad, Tuesday, November 23, 2010, 15:17 (5223 days ago) @ Kimbad
I havent come across Rodley or Newnham in my family research. The furthest I can go back with certainty is John Wintle b. circa 1764, d. 21/10/1850, a shoemaker of Plump Hill. He may be the Johnathan Wintle christened in Mitcheldean 23/10/1763, son of Robert Wintle and Sarah, but I have no way of telling. Anway as you say, keeps us all amused, and helps pass my evenings on a farm in Australia! Regards, Amanda
Wintles of Mitcheldean 1800s and before
by Sophronia, Friday, May 25, 2007, 08:14 (6502 days ago) @ amanda woolley
Hi Amanda,
I've just come across your posting on the FoD website. My WINTLE includes Jonathan WINTLE baptised 23 Oct 1763, Mitcheldean. John WINTLE bachelor of Mitchel Dean married Martha VINER Widow of Mitchel Dean by licence 5 Feb 1789 Mitcheldean, Gloucester. Martha's maiden name was GIBBS and Martha GIBBS spinster of Michel Dean married Henry VINER batchelor of Michel Dean 26 Jul 1786 by Licence at Mitcheldean.
Is this the John WINTLE you cite born c. 1764?
If so, I have much more information on this line that I would be willing to share with you.
Nancy Frey
Newcastle Ontario, CANADA
Wintles of Mitcheldean 1800s and before
by kimbad, Sunday, November 01, 2009, 06:01 (5611 days ago) @ Sophronia
Sorry I've been out of touch for so long!
Yes, my ancestor is John Wintle of Mitcheldean, 1764 - 1850, and Martha Viner nee Gibbs. I descend from their son Thomas 1800 - 1848 and his wife Sophia Harris Coleman.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Amanda Woolley
WINTLE of Mitcheldean 1800s and before
by Kimbad, Monday, November 22, 2010, 09:15 (5225 days ago) @ amanda woolley
Yes, Nancy Frey of Canada, we connect. I descend from John Wintle and Martha nee Gibbs via their son Thomas Wintle 1800-1848, grandson Alfred John Wintle 1837-1895, gt grandson Thomas Clark Wintle 1866-1945, 2 gts grand-daughter Phyllis Maud Wintle 1894-1983 - my grandmother.
Would be delighted to get some more info.
Have been out of contact for a while, will make a few more Wintle posts now, and want to add a photo of Bill Mills, Weston-under-Penyard (owned by A.J, later T.C. Wintle) I descend from that lot, and also from another line who owned Forest Brewery in Mitcheldean.
Regards to all other Wintle descendants,
Amanda Woolley