Advanced Seach Facility (Announce)

by mrsbruso @, Tuesday, July 19, 2011, 13:05 (4985 days ago) @ admin

After I make an initial search with all the names spelled the way I think they should be, and make note of any initial "hits", I run a second search.

Less is Best !

On the second one I try to limit the names as much as I can due to spelling inconsistencie over time. Griffiths, for example, can be spelled several different ways, so I try to limit it to Griff. Clarke may or may not have the 'e'. Clark will find Clarke, but Clarke will ignore entries spelled Clark.

First names can be an issue as well. Elizabeth can be shortened in many places to Eliz, James to Jas, William to Wm or W[illia]m. So I use as few starting letters as I can. With W[illia]m for example, you have little choice but to stick with using only the "W". Phoebe is frequently spelled without the "o", so just typing "Ph" can help with that.

If you know the spouse's name, you don't get too many "hits" that aren't in some way related, especially if one the second run through you know the parish or some other limiting factor.

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