Bridewell, Little Dean (General)

by unknown, Tuesday, January 31, 2012, 12:43 (4790 days ago) @ NAYLOR - WILLIAMS

William Naylor - Keeper of Bridewell, Little Dean

According to a family tree done many years ago by someone in my family, my Great Great Grandfather Thomas Gwilliam, 1806 - 1842, married Elizabeth Naylor, daughter of the then Keeper of the Bridewell Wm. Naylor who was the son of William and Mary Naylor. My record shows that Wm. Naylor, who would be my great great great grandfather died in 1838 aged 54 and his gravestone is in Little Dean Churchyard. Elizabeth who would be my Great Great Grandmother seems to have been born in Leicester in 1810.
I hope this is helpful and does not cause confusion. I cannot vouch for the accuracy. I don't know who from my family did the research but I think it may have been a late uncle of mine.

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