Parish Record Burial - re Ireland (General)

by willow, Tuesday, April 19, 2005, 09:48 (7268 days ago)

This weekend I did my first search in a Record Office, I found a Burial
entry in the parish register of St Johns Church Cinderford 1916 (P85 in


Fred(possibly Frederick) Henry Ireland

Cinderford Bridge

When Buried
17th June


Ceremony performed by
J. Martin Vicar St Stephens

I couldnt find any baptism, how can I confirm who his parents were?
My dad has always said his mother had a baby called Fred that died aged 2
before he was born, but this entry states Cinderford Bridge not a place that
is mentioned in any paperwork I have, this could be a myth how do i
determine fact

Where do I go from here?

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