the giles family of cinderford (General)

by abno7 @, Saturday, August 25, 2012, 20:26 (4582 days ago) @ unknown

hya im claire rons daughter im so sorry to hear about your mum i did write to her once about my grandad but didnt get no reply sadly i never met her, since dad and nan died been trying to trace anything to do with with my grandad but keep hitting a wall until now so i am so very grateful for you getting in touch with me hopefully with the info i have on here now i will be able to trace our family back quite a way i have checked this site over and over and never nothing new, then found an old picture on a site of a work outing with a few giles on it showed my sister then showed her what i was given on here and there was all this new info so thank you again so very much and again so sorry to hear about your mum take care claire

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