Jane HATTON - possible wife for James Griffiths (General)

by Ernest Hatton, Friday, August 18, 2006, 01:13 (6783 days ago) @ Jenny White

Hi Jenny, I noticed your posts.
I'm descended from Cornelius Hatton and am the administrator of the Hatton-Hatten DNA Site at FamilyTreeDNA. We're also working with the Huttons [some appear to related]. One lives in Wales, another Yorkshire etc. So far about 45 male test have been completed and the vast majority are Celtic. Very few are closely related. Some with other surnames that are close, or defined as distantly related, pre-surname, are Moore [close], Bullock, Nichols, Johnstone/Johnson, Cooper, Bolin/Bolyn, Rich, Williams, Williamson, Jones and many Scot-Irish.

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