Rowland Pitt/Pytt, Newland (General)

by Cheryl Morgan @, Monday, February 21, 2005, 11:10 (7324 days ago)

I am interested in any information about Rowland or Margaret Pitt/Pytt , High Sheriff of Newland in 1760's. Margaret owned our cottage in Raglan in 1789.

Margaret Pytt, the daughter and coheir of William Williams, married Rowland Pitt, esq. Sheriff in 1758. Margaret was the second wife of Rowland Pitt. They had two children: William and Margaret. After Rowland Pitt died in 1761 Margaret moved to The Birches in Raglan, and being a lady of wealth and disctinction was known as Madam Pitt. Both children died in adulthood without issue and are remembered in Plaques in St Cadoc's Church. (Bradney's The Hundred of Raglan, 1914, p31).

I also have an excerpt from Rowland Pytt will that reads (as best I can decifer)

In the name of God, amen, I Rowland Pytt of Newland in the County of Gloucestor, Iron master, being of sound mind to make my last will xx xx my just debts be in the first place paid xx from it the tuition and guardianship of the children I shall be blessed with at my death unto my dearly beloved wife Margaret and unto my esteemed friends xx pomfray and his brother Francis ? ssomfray and my faithful agent John Platt and survivors and survivor of xx until both of my sons shall attain the age of twenty one years respectively and xx by virtue of my marriage articles and some other xx or writings made and xx in consequence thereof there is a provision made for my wife and children in such manor as xx is particularly xx Now I do therefore give and bequeath all my real estate which xx a right or power to dispose of xx my two sons John and William Rowland Pytt and their heirs respectively equally between them share and share alike respectively to hold the same as tenants in common and not as joint tenants from my will is that such as my personal estate as I have a right to dispose of shall go and be applied in the like manner as I have willed in my said real estate as near as the law will permit the same to go and be applied and my will and desire further is that all my trade undertaking, works and business of which shall be carrying on at my decease shall be continued and carried on by my executors hereinafter named or by their direction upon trust and for the benefit and an amount of my said sons both as to profit and xx until they shall respectively attain the age of twenty one years and I do will that so long as the said business shall be xx xx

Rowland Pytt, Lydbrook - iron / tin plate works

by slowhands @, Tuesday, February 22, 2005, 07:20 (7323 days ago) @ Cheryl Morgan


In 1742 Rowland Pytt leased the Upper and Middle Forges at Lydbrook. (Iron / Tin plate works)

He died in 1755 and his son, also Rowland, continued the operation until 1763.

1747 On surrender of the 1741 lease a new lease was granted to Rowland PYTT of Gloucester, J MORSE and T LEWIS. In the will of Mr Rowland PYTT dated 1753 mention is made of the "The Rolling Mill and Tinworks at Ynyspenllwch".

Rowland PYTT (of Raglan) was High Sheriff of Monmouthshire in 1758

Rowland Pitt/Pytt, Newland

by russell james @, grosmont, Monday, September 19, 2005, 17:14 (7114 days ago) @ Cheryl Morgan

I have been trying to find information about the "Pytt", family for a number of years. In 1799 or therabouts, in a booklet of Ragland, by Heath? It men
tions your house and contents. With a latter move to Usk.
Rowland Pytt owned our farm in Grosmont.

This is my first attempt at email

Rowland Pitt/Pytt, Newland

by cheryl @, Monday, September 19, 2005, 18:16 (7114 days ago) @ russell james

Thanks for the information - I am not familiar with the book you are mentioning - you say that it mentions my house and contents - you could be referring to two different houses : The Birches or Elmcote. They are next to each other. Could you give me more details on what the book states.

What information do you have thus far? Perhaps we can compare notes.

Nice to hear from you

Rowland Pitt/Pytt, Newland

by russell james @, cross farm grosmont, Wednesday, September 21, 2005, 06:07 (7113 days ago) @ cheryl

I photocopyed one page of the booklet and its says

A CURIOUS BUILDING,of TEN rooms on the ground floor, enclosed within fquare brick wall, and the front thickly planted with fhrubs, which give to the dwelling fomething the appearance of an hermitage in a gentman's pleafure grounds

A few excerpts
This Lady, native of the ARTHEE, in the parifh of Tregare. but during her refidence here fhe fhuts herfelf up in the moft reclufe manner, never appearing except at Church. She retired to Clifton where in 1800 fhe ended her days. Her eftates which were confiderable to go Mrs Chaworth. then to Mr Boyer fhopkeeper.

The houfe can hardly be faid to be finifed; for Mrs Pytt having purchafed a manfion in USK called THE GREAT HOUSE.

MY telephone number is 01981 240436

Rowland Pitt/Pytt, Newland

by Cheryl, Wednesday, September 21, 2005, 16:26 (7112 days ago) @ russell james

Hi again

thanks for the information about the house - this house is next door to mine - it has been split into three houses: The Birches, Waterloo and Church House. They will appreciate the description.

I have the will for Margaret Pytt - I didn't know that she ended up in Bristol - or bout living in the Great House - is this in Usk?

here is the transcript of Margaret Pytt's will -- btw - do you know anything about Edward Bowyer??? He is a nephew of Margaret Pytt's and I have been trying to locate information about him.

Many thanks for your info. cheryl

Will of Margaret Pitt, Widow of Ragland, Monmouthshire 03 February, 1800

Of Raglan in the county of Monmouth, widow and xx and xx this to be my last will and testament give and devise unto JOHN PITT, Printer of Gloucestor all that messuage, xx and land situate in the parish of Tregare, xx xx in the county of Monmouth to hold to xx said John Pitt, printer of Glocester his heirs and assign for xx xx as to all other my xx messuages, xx, lands, xx xx and real estate whatsoever xx also all singular my copy how or customary messuages, lands, xx xx whatsoever and whatoever I give and devise the same and every part xx respectively unto my dear sister Jane Elizabeth Chaworth now of Usk in the County of Monmouth, widow during the xx of her natural life without subsequent of or for any xx of wash and from and after this xx of any said sister Jane Elizabeth Chaworth, then I give and devise the said xx and copyhold or customary hold xx and promises unto my cousin John Curr Late of Ittan near Chepstow in the County of Monmouth, esquire to hold to xx the said John Curr his heirs and assigns for ever I give and bequeath unto my said sister Jane Elizabeth Chaworth xx oor so much of my personal estate as she my said sister shall like or make xx of and out of the residual if any I give to my servant James Morgan the sum of one hundred pounds and as to all the rest of xx of my personal estate of every xx find and subscription I give and bequeath the same unto my said sister Jane Elizabeth Chaworth and said John Pitt, printer xx executors and administrators upon trust for the benefit of the poor to be xxx in xx proportions as they shall think most proper and I so appoint my said sister Jane Elizabeth Chaworth and said John Pitt printer, executors of this my last will and testament thereby revoking all other and former wills by xx at any time xx xx in witness whereof I have xx and to a duplicate xx set my xx and seal this sixth day of april in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred seventy seven. Margaret Pitt, signed, sealed, published and sealed by the testatrix, Margaret Pitt as xx for here last will and testament in the presence of us who in her presence and at her request and in the presence of xx other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses thereto, Eliz Parry. David Parry. Xx xx. Late servants of Mrs Pitt and inhabitants of Ragland, county of Monmouth

This will was proved at London, the third day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred xx before the xx honorable William eyand xx doctor of xx xx ofcommisary in the perogative court of Canterbury lawfully constituted that oaths of Jane Elizabeth Chaworth, widow xx xx and John Pitt, xx xx said will to whom xx was graned of xx he goods xx xx xx xx xx

NB. Bradneys

Jane Elizabeth Chaworth is Margaret Pytt's sister in law
Bowyers. Margaret Pytt's grandfathers sisters' husband (Margaret's great aunt)

Catalogue Reference:
PROB 11/1337

Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury

Prerogative Court of Canterbury and related Probate Jurisdictions: Will Registers

Name of Register: Adderley Quire Numbers: 96 - 150

Rowland Pitt/Pytt, Newland

by russell @, Thursday, September 22, 2005, 09:14 (7111 days ago) @ Cheryl

hello there,

The booklet I got the information from was at the Abergavenny Library also at Monmouth Musuem. 1800's a local tour guide was produce by Heath? (i forgot to take refernces) describing Ralgan Castle, local houses, Harrison at the The Ton Raglan, son of the famous watchmacker. The same authur comments in anther book about Admiral Nelson visit to Monmouth.

The information Madam Pytt moved to Usk, was wrong. I got mixed up with the Great House, Usk the residence of Sir Hopkin Williams she stripped "the Great Houfe of the fine and ancient carved oak wainfot, in order to decorate this at Ragland, part of which intentions fhe only completed; a large quantity was lately lying about the houfe as lumber, which promifed, from the value that was fet upon it, to foon devoted to the oven".

Mr Bowyer, fhopkeeer, of Monmouth that all i've got from Pytt house.Bradney hundred of Ragland, page 73 and 74 mentions quite a bit of the Bowyers. Thank you for the information from the wills. Have you got any thing on William Pitt of Ragland, esq called in his will of Hilston, son of Margaret Pytt. I've got some friends living at Hilston Park.

In 1787 M.P. sold Cross Farm, or Lockley farm for the sum of £450. The deeds mention in 1734 a Indenture between Will Williams and Mary his wife etc, 1752 Articles of Agreesment,nownown as Margaret Pytt only daughter and heir of William Williams (then deceaced) etc,..

1757 Rowland Pytt commisoned maps of his holdings in Monmouthshire, drawn by Ferdinando Statford, This folder is in the National Library of Wales

Rowland Pitt/Pytt, Newland

by russell, Thursday, September 22, 2005, 17:53 (7111 days ago) @ Cheryl

hello there

I've had another thought, (it's always dangerous for me) Bradney mentions in his book on Raglan, page 32 The Blue Broom is a comfortable house with several meadows belonging. This in 1822, and latter was the residence of Edmund Bowyer?.

John Curr mentioned in Margaret Pytt will, is this the same family at Howick Chepstow famous for their Curr fox hounds etc. Just looking up John Curr in Bradneys index, it seems he died in 1777 at Bath, page 62 Hundred of Raglan.

All the best in the search and thank you for your help russell.

Rowland Pitt/Pytt, Newland

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Thursday, September 22, 2005, 18:18 (7111 days ago) @ russell

The Curre family were later at Itton Court - William Edward Carne Curre JP 1901

Rowland Pitt/Pytt, Newland

by russell, Saturday, November 19, 2005, 03:45 (7054 days ago) @ slowhands

A little bit more research has revealed that Rowland Pytt, had a wire works in Tintern and Redbrook a blast furnace. According to the dairy of R.R. Angerstein 1753-1755 a swedish traveller.

"Redbrook blast furnace ia located a mile from the copper works and belongs to Mr Pitt, who produces 16 to 17 tons per week. The furnace is tapped once every 24 hours. The ore is obtained four miles from here, above Coleford, and costs 8 shillings per ton etc,, With lists of costs. The production is generally 16 tons of pig iron per week and each ton consequently costs 4pounds 11s.1.5d at the furnace".

all the best russell.

Rowland Pitt/Pytt, Newland

by Cheryl @, Tuesday, January 03, 2006, 00:00 (7009 days ago) @ russell

Hi Russell

I have been searching more information on Rowland Pytt and located four wills that may be of interest to us. They are for Rowland Pytt, 1754, Rowland Pytt, 1756, William Pytt, 1783 and Jane Elizabeth Chaworth, 1814. I can send you copies of the wills and/or the transcripts that I will try to make from the text. It is very difficult handwriting to read

I also have more information on the different activities that Rowland Pytt was engaged in. There were at least three Rowland Pytt's all in a row so I am trying to sort out which is which

Happy New Year

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