The Manse, Ruardean. (General)

by MPGriffiths @, Thursday, September 19, 2019, 20:58 (2001 days ago) @ Mike Pinchin

Ernest WATKINS aged 65, is on the 1939 Census, living at The Manse Ruardean, along with his family.


Ernest - dob - 18 April 1874, Coal Hewer, retired
Elizabeth A - dob - 9 April 1877, Unpaid Domestic Duties
William J - born 23 December 1904 - Coal Miner below ground
Clifford E - bporn 8 June 1912, Chauffeur - Gardiner
Dennis V - 24 March 1916 - Baker's Salesman

next door
Church Villa


Cyril - dob - 5 Feb 1900- Weighing and dispatching Cooper Wire at Cable Works
Blanche G - dob 8 September 1897 - Unpaid Domestic Duties

two records officially closed

Rhoda - dob 6 April 1870 Unpaid Domestic Duties
Queenie V - dob 23 August 1909 Incapicated


Using the Advance Search - there are a number of burials, residence: The Manse, Ruardean


John ONIONS referrred to in the Newspaper Article :

Burial at Ruardean, 19 May 1932

John ONIONS, aged 74, residence: Ruardean Woodside

Officating Minster: George R NEWMAN, Vicar of Holy Trinity Dean Forest.

George R NEWMAN on the 1939 Register, dob 11 Mar 1890 is living at The Vicarge, Lydney, Gloucestershire -
Vicar of Tidenham and Beachy.... Royal Army Chaplain T A Reserve of Officers


ONIONS John of Rock Cottage, Ruardean Woodside, near Ruardean, Gloucestershire, died 15 May 1932
Probate Gloucester 5 July to Oswald John ONIONS, colliery Manager and Owen George ONIONS, Miner.


Rev Dr WARREN - mentioned in the Newaper Article:

Had a look for him - there is a death: 23 June 1931 of Elizabeth Jane TIPPINS aged 62

Officating minger:

R WARREN, Independent Minister

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