link between Westbury and Bitton (Documents Articles)

by Keith Thomas @, Monday, December 16, 2019, 10:53 (1915 days ago) @ JaneyH

Janey, we are distant cousins! Your William 1745 is an elder brother to my Jane [b 1752]. In the 1990s I corresponded with two other descendants from William [who married Hester Drew]. They were Katherine Bonson of Bradford and Jessie Hoare of St. Albans. I don't know if you are linked to either but can give you contact info if you wish, as it was some time ago they may not still be around [I am just approaching 80 myself!!].
I would like to know if you have traced your tree back beyond William's father. I have a Bellamy tree back to 16c but still have two options for his parents. I have not found a baptism or birth which fits his age, 88, calculated back from his death in 1802. There are two possibilities each side of 1714. Which have you taken?
I also had correspondence with Barbara Dubberly of Canada who is descended from Elizabeth [born 1759]
My email address is if you want to reply directly.

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