Trafalgar Colliery (General)

by rodders @, Monday, May 11, 2020, 18:09 (1767 days ago)


I am researching the history of Trafalgar Colliery, and was hoping that anyone could pass on any information they may have on relatives who worked at the colliery (I know that is a big ask as the colliery has been closed for nearly 100 years), and their experiences, such as a diary entry, newspaper cutting, letter or a story that was passed down through the family. I am also interested in photographs of anything that may have come from the colliery.

Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Trafalgar Colliery

by jchardy @, Wednesday, July 08, 2020, 21:20 (1709 days ago) @ rodders

My great grandfather, James Collins (1821-70) was killed in the Trafalgar Colliery on 2 June 1870. The inquest, which was held a few days later at the Crown Inn in Lydbrook, concluded that he was “crushed by the buffer of a coal tram which accidentally ran back on an incline plane in the Trafalgar Colliery and knocked the deceased down.”

Trafalgar Colliery

by helenmb @, Saturday, July 25, 2020, 14:50 (1692 days ago) @ jchardy


I have just noticed your post. I believe we must be related. James Collins (1820-1870) who was killed in an accident at Trafalgar Colliery was my 2nd great grandfather. I believe he had a son, also called James (1853-1868) who was killed in an accident at Trafalgar Colliery. According to Coal Mining Accidents and Deaths index he concealed some gun powder and it exploded in his pocket, burning him so severely that he died the next day.

Trafalgar Colliery

by helenmb @, Saturday, July 25, 2020, 14:59 (1692 days ago) @ rodders


Thank you for your email. I have just noticed jchardy's reply to your post. The James Collins mentioned there is my 2nd great grandfather. He had a son also called James (1853-1868), who had an accident at Trafalgar Colliery. According to Coal Mining Accidents and Deaths index he concealed some gun powder and it exploded in his pocket, burning him so severely that he died the next day.
Regarding the photograph, I am not sure how to send a photo via this forum. If you let me have your email address I will send it that way.

Trafalgar Colliery

by pj_dorrington @, Hampshire, UK, Saturday, October 31, 2020, 14:53 (1594 days ago) @ rodders


My 3rd Great Uncle, Moses Walkley, was killed as a result of a surface accident on 27 Jul 1911 at the Trafalgar Colliery. Noted from the accident are below.

My great grandfather was also a miner (had a lot in the family) and I have both of his Davey lamps, not sure which colliery he worked in, still trying to find out. Will update this thread if it was also Trafalgar.

Notes from the Accident:

Deceased and others were moving a queen truss on a bugle on the surface. The top and bottom members of the truss were 10ins. square and the total height 7feet. It was not guyed up in any way but. supported by two men on each side. It tilted toward the side on which deceased was, and as the men were unable to support it, it fell over them. The horse which pulled the bogie was startled by the fall of the truss and started forward. Deceased was inside one of the bays and was caught by the truss and his foot crushed. Blood poisoning supervened and he died in hospital on 1st August. The action of the men in transporting the truss in such a manner was worse than foolish.

Trafalgar Colliery

by Nick Dub @, Tuesday, June 07, 2022, 19:44 (1010 days ago) @ rodders

My father Percy, a couple of my uncles and my grandfather Tom Duberley were all marked down on the 1921 census as working at Trafalgar. They lived in Ruardean.
Unfortunately, I don't have anything left by them from that time - I wish I did.

Nick Duberley

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